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They cannot wear a dress in white because they are married.

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Q: Why cant brides wear white in Hinduism?
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Are Chinese brides allowed to wear white?

Yes. Usually, Chinese brides wear red to show sign of their loyalty to the "Communism" , but some do wear white, since white is close to yellow.

What color dresses did Jewish brides wear in weddings?


Why do brides wear white dresses?

To symbolise purity.

Why do some brides wear off-white?

Some brides are old-fashioned, believing only virgins wear white. Off-white is more common for second weddings. Also, off-white is a far more flattering colour than bright white which is why the majority of brides choose off-white.

Is it true that only brides wear white?

Not anymore! I've seen pictures of all the girls and women in the wedding party wear white as well.

In what religion or culture do brides not wear the color white when they get married?

I belive in traditional China. White is the color for death.

Do Muslim brides wear white wedding dresses?

They may, but they usually don't. They wear gorgeous and colorful dress on marriage.

What are Jewish wedding dresses like?

They're the same white wedding dresses all other brides wear, except that Orthodox Jewish brides only wear dresses that completely cover them up.

Can you wear a big white dress at a backyard wedding?

That's best done with brides who are obese.

What color do brides normally wear in western countries?

However, it is important to note that there is no one right color for a wedding dress. Brides can choose to wear any color that they like, regardless of cultural or traditional norms. In recent years, there has been a trend towards brides wearing more colorful wedding dresses. Some popular colors include ivory, champagne, blush, and lavender.

Do Jewish brides wear white?

Yes, but in other countries, they wear colorful costumes. There is no religious Jewish Law about what a bride must wear and so a Jewish bride will typically wear the colors that a bride wears in the general area of heritage. Western Jews usually wear white. Yemenite Jews wear a myriad of colors and are bedecked from head to foot in jewels. Some Indian Jews wear red, etc.

What do Muslim brides have to wear on there wedding?

Muslim Brides wear any coloured dress/Lengha.