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Because If They Stick Out There Tounge There Teeth Will Bite It And there Tounge Will Fall Off .

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Q: Why cant crocodiles stick out there tongues?
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Can a crocodiel stick his tongue out?

No, crocodiles can't stick out their tongues.

Can alligators stick there tongues out?

No, like crocodiles, they can't.

Is it true that crocodiles cannot stick there tongues out?

yes it is true

Can a crocldile stick its tongue out?

negative my friend as they do have tongues but they are fixed so they cant XD

Do crocodiles have split tongues?

No, snakes do though! =)

Are alligators tongues stuck to the bottom of their mouths?

No it is not. Crocodiles are unable to stick out their tongue because they swallow rocks to help them dive deep without floating up. All the rocks make it impossible to stick out a tongue.

Why can't crocodiles move their tongues?

They haven't got one.

Can fish stick their tongues out?

Fish do have tongues according to all the fish I had seen in my life.Yes, they have small tongues. As I discovered during a rather gruesome dissection of a mackerel.BY:G.S.Kamal.G.S.nothey sure do(: mostly every living creature does..or they cant eat or taste anything.

Can crocodriles moves their tongue?

no. crocodiles can not move there tongues.

Can crocodiles move their tongue?

No, they cant move their tongue they have taste things in their mouth usually the thing is dead or dying.

What cannot stick its tongue out?

Crocodiles can not stick out their tongue or chewCrocodilegoatAligators,crocodiles and caimans.Blue whales,Sperm whales,and Sharks.bird

Why do whales stick out their tongues?

because they can