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Spacial Reasoning, my friend, spacial reasoning.

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12y ago

They can, spacial reasoning allows for this phenomenon.

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Q: Why can you touch your nose with your eyes closed?
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How do you know if a cicada is drinking?

He can't touch his nose with his eyes closed while walking in a straight line.

Can you tell which food is which by keeping your eyes closed and nose plugged?

Even with the eyes closed and nose plugged, you should be able to tell the basics of most foods, that is, whether each is sweet, salty, sour, etc. The taste buds give sense of taste, not the nose or eyes. So, yes, you should be able to distinguish and name most foods by taste, texture, thickness vs. thinness, etc.

What path does bacteria take when it enters the body?

they enter through the nose, mouth, eyes, anywhere you touch.

Are your eyes distal to the nose?

The eyes are lateral to the nose. Distal and lateral are not terms that apply to your face.

What are the sense organs of a lion?

Same sort of sense organs that other animals have: their eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body and paws to touch.

How can you tell if a newborn is blind?

Kittens are born with their eyes closed. They gradually open at 7 - 14 days. Their vision gradually improves after that. Never touch kittens eyes.

What are the five major sense organs with function?

1. Eyes - Sight 2. Ears - Hearing, Balance 3. Nose - Smell 4. Tongue - Taste 5. Skin - Touch & Temperature

How does the nervous system affect people on a daily basis?

Like you unwillingly touch a hot kettle your hand will automatically draw back.Also,when something enters your eyes,your eyes are closed.

How can you tell if a newborn kitten is blind?

Kittens are born with their eyes closed. They gradually open at 7 - 14 days. Their vision gradually improves after that. Never touch kittens eyes.

What most accurately illustrates closing your eyes and then touching your nose with your forefinger?

If someone closed their eyes and then touched their nose with their forefinger, they would be displaying kinesthetic sense. Kinesthetic sense is what gives the brain knowledge in terms of the relative positions of various parts of the human body.

My Eyes Were Closed but now they see?

When your eyes were closed your eyes were shut. They now see because you have opened your eyes

Do fish go to sleep with eyes open or closed?

with the eyes closed