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To avoid an invasion of Japan

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Q: Why did America want to save Americans lives by dropping atomic bombs?
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Why did Americans say that dropping atomic bombs saved lives?

just because they felt like it

What are injustices of the US dropping the atomic bombs?

Total war means atomic bombs.

How did America make peace with japan after the dropping of the atomic bombs?

They really didn't. Japan had to surrender and that was all.

Was Truman wrong in dropping the atomic bomb?

Most think he was not wrong about dropping the atomic bombs.

How did the war of japan and America ended?

By the dropping of atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945.

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Who took responsibility for dropping the atomic bombs?


What were the results of the dropping of the atomic bombs on japan?


What was the result of America dropping the atomic bomb?

Those bombs ended the war which had been almost five years of fighting.

What year of dropping of atomic bombs on hiroshima and nagasaki?


Was dropping atomic bombs chosen by the US?

no Kennedy decided

When did the dropping of atomic bombs start?

August 6, 1945