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Anne Frank went into hiding during World War II to avoid persecution by the Nazis who were targeting Jewish people. By going into hiding, she and her family hoped to evade capture and deportation to concentration camps.

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12y ago

Anne Frank and her family went into hiding because Anne's sister Margot received a notice to go to a concentration camp along with her mother. Otto Frank wouldn't let them go so they went into hiding in 1942 and they were betrayed on 4th August 1944 and taken away to be killed.

Hope this answers your question!!

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13y ago

Her name was Anne Frank. Not Anne Framk. She went into hiding because she was Jewish and Adolf Hitler hated Jews during World war II so he wanted to kill them and put them into concentration camps and gas camps where they would die in the blood ditches they called it. You can watch a movie on her. She was very brave I think!

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12y ago

They were Jewish and if they were seen, they would be forced to die.

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14y ago

They decided it was time for them to go into hiding because Anne's sister Margot got a call up and they wern't going to wait to be dragged away by the Nazi's.

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How old was Anne Frank when she had to go into hiding?

Anne was 13 when she went into hiding, and 15 when she was discovered.

Did anne frank go into hiding on her birthday?

no she went into hiding just after.

How did anne's father try to prepare his family to go into hiding?

To prepare his family to go into hiding, Anne Frank's father started stocking and storing items the family would need in hiding. When Anne's sister received a notice to go into labor service in Germany, the family went in hiding.

How did Anne Frank go into hiding?

Anne Frank's father had planned to go into hiding for months. He told Meip to take Margot to the annex and keep her there until the rest of the family came into hiding with margot.

When did anne go into hiding?

The morning of July 6,1942

What did Anne franks family go into hiding?

yes they did

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How log did anne franke go in to hiding?

2 years.

What age did Anne frank go in hiding?

She was three weeks past her thirteenth birthday when she went into hiding.

What were Anne Frank's survival strategies DURING hiding?

get down low and GO Go Go ...>_>..

What did anne say they did to the Jews that did not go into hiding?

Anne Frank wrote in her diary that the Jews who did not go into hiding were being arrested, sent to concentration camps, and faced the risk of being killed during the Holocaust.

Who were Anne's family hiding from?

Anne and her family where hiding from the Nazi's because they were Jewish