

Why did British government place taxes on the colonists?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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They were fighting a war called the Seven Year's war with France and were running out of cash. So they decided to tax people who they couldn't see.

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Q: Why did British government place taxes on the colonists?
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Why did the British place taxes on the colonists?

Under pressure from American colonists and British merchants, the British did lower taxes levied on other tea importers, the tax-free status of the British East.

What were the measures taken by the british government to raise money?

They raised the taxes on the colonists.

Why did the British add extra taxes to the colonists?

The taxes were to help pay the war debit from the French and Indian war. The government felt that the colonists were protected by British troops and they needed to contribute to the cost.

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that they had to pay taxes on tea

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The battlecry was "Taxation without representation". The British government imposed taxes upon the colonists; but the colonists had no say in what was taxed and by how much.

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In a nutshell, they were angry because they had no direct representation in the British Government. Taxation without representation!

How did colonist respond to british taxes?

The colonists did not respond well to British taxes. These colonists were outraged that they were being taxed the way that they were.

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They believed thy didn't have to pay British taxes because they were the colonists after all

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