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Q: Why did Frederick Douglas push African Americans to enter the military?
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Who was the leading spokesman of African Americans during the civil war?

frederick douglas

Who urged African Americans to fight openly for their political and economical rights?

It was either You or Booker T. Washington and it is not Frederick Douglas......i think

Who was a African American abolitionist during the civil war?

Frederick Douglas

Who was a famous African American from the American Civil War?

Frederick Douglas

Who lobbied former President Lincoln to allow African Americans to participate in the war?

Frederick Douglas, among others, lobbied President Lincoln to form regiments of African Americans. (Lincoln died in office. He never became a "former president.")

Who was the African American speaker against slavery?

William wilberforce & Frederick Douglas

What did Frederick Douglas do?

which of the following did frederick douglas not do?

Who did Douglass wanted equal rights for?

Frederick Douglas was in favor of equal rights for all people. However, the focus during his lifetime was equal treatment under the law for African Americans.

Where was Douglass enslaved as a young child?

Frederick Douglas was born into slavery in Talbot County, Maryland. He would go on to become a leader in the abolitionist movement, and help many African Americans.

What years were Frederick Douglas alive?

Frederick Douglass was the first African American to hold an important government title. He was born in 1818 and died in 1895.

Why did some African American's decide to fight in the revolutionary war?

underground railroad rebelling Frederick Douglas

What did Stephen Douglas believe in?

the right of African Americans to vote was a matter for the states to decide.