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Gatsby throws extravagant parties in the hopes that Daisy, his long-lost love, will attend and notice him. He uses his parties as a way to showcase his wealth and influence, hoping to impress her and win back her affections. Additionally, the parties serve as a distraction from his loneliness and as a means to maintain his enigmatic persona.

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14y ago

Gatsby has these elaborate parties and invites tons of people as to get Daisy's attention.

He's come back and wants to be with Daisy again and to show off his accumulated wealth.

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13y ago

Because he wanted to impress Daisy that lives on the other side of the Dock.

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He hoped that Daisy would show up at one of the parties

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to impress daisy.

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Q: Why does Gatsby give extravagant parties?
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What are Gatsby's parties are like?

Gatsby's parties are extravagant, lavish, and opulent affairs with a large number of guests, fine food and drinks, live music, and dancing. They are known for their extravagance and excess as a reflection of Gatsby's desire to impress and win over Daisy.

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Gatsby throws his extravagant parties every Saturday night.

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There are no more parties at Gatsby's house because the only reason he threw the parties was to get Daisy's attention. Once he had Daisy he no longer needed the parties and stopped having them

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Trimalchio is a character in Roman literature known for his extravagant lifestyle and ostentatious parties. In "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Trimalchio serves as a symbol for the extravagance and decadence of the Roaring Twenties, particularly embodied by Jay Gatsby and his lavish parties.

What does the reporter want from Gatsby?

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What is an example of a hobby or sport in the book The Great Gatsby?

In "The Great Gatsby," characters engage in activities like playing polo, attending parties, and participating in the social scene of the 1920s Jazz Age. Jay Gatsby himself is known for hosting extravagant parties at his mansion.

What does caravansary mean in The Great Gatsby?

In The Great Gatsby, the term "caravansary" refers to a place of rest or lodging for travelers. It is used metaphorically to describe Gatsby's extravagant parties as transient gatherings of people from various backgrounds, mirroring the transient nature of life.

What is the common denominator to all the stories about the people who meet at Gatsby and rsquos parties?

The common denominator in the stories of those who attend Gatsby's parties is their fascination with wealth, status, and the allure of the extravagant lifestyle that Gatsby represents. Many of these characters are drawn to the glamour and opulence of Gatsby's world, yet they are also envious and judgmental of each other, creating a complex social dynamic at the parties.

Why does Gatsby have parties all year?

Gatsby throws extravagant parties all year in the hopes that Daisy will attend one and he can reunite with her. He uses the parties as a way to demonstrate his wealth and status, hoping to impress Daisy and show her that he is worthy of her love. Additionally, the parties serve as a distraction for Gatsby, allowing him to fill his empty life with superficial socializing.

What is daisy opion of gatsby party how does this affect him?

Daisy finds Gatsby's parties exciting and extravagant, enjoying the attention and luxury they provide. This fuels Gatsby's desire to win Daisy back, as he believes that showcasing his wealth and throwing lavish parties will impress her and draw her back to him. However, Daisy's attraction to the parties also reflects her materialistic nature and superficial values, which complicates Gatsby's pursuit of her.