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This historical first use of the Militia Law of 1792 was utilized because rebellious farmers, upset by the Federal Excise Tax (imposed in 1791), had been rioting in the streets and roughing up (federal) tax collectors. Then in July of 1794, a federal marshall was attacked in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. At about that same time, several hundred men attacked the home of a regional inspector, burning his home, barn, and several out-buildings. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania was also the scene of disorder by enraged mobs.

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George Washington called up an army to crush the Whiskey Rebellion because Hamilton and Washington saw the Whiskey Rebellion as a threat to the authority of the national government.

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Q: Why did president Washington order that the army to end the whiskey rebellion?
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How many troops did US President George Washington send to end the Whiskey Rebellion?

US President Washington knew he had to keep order and end the Whiskey Rebellion. He personally led 12,000 troops to end it. The troops were militias from New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Maryland. It should be noted that Alexander Hamilton's new tax laws created the rebellion.

Why did Washington order the army to end the whiskey rebellion?

The rebels were in violation of federal law and Washington,as the president, felt it was his duty to enforce federal law. He also wanted to make it clear to all that the new federal government would enforce its laws even in the face of armed opposition. George Washington was the first and only president to lead his army

What did Washington's action in crushing the whiskey rebellion signify to the country?


What was the result of the political debates over the whiskey rebellion?

The emergence of a two-party political system.

What was wiskeys rebellion?

The Whiskey Rebellion was an uprising during George Washington's presidency that occurred in southwestern Pennsylvania. In order to pay for the national debt, the government decided to tax whiskey. This infuriated citizens, especially farmers and settlers in western Pennsylvania (for it was a staple beverage) and throughout the states, federal tax collectors were harassed by "Whiskey Boys". By 1794, tensions reached an all time high, and civil protests soon became an armed rebellion. George Washington and Alexander Hamilton, remembering Shays' Rebellion from a few years previous, decided this would be the perfect time for the federal government to flex their muscle. Washington, Hamilton, and Henry "Lighthorse Harry" Lee assembled a force at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and marched to western Pennsylvania where the rebels were no where to be found. They were soon rounded up and imprisoned, where one died, and two were convicted of treason and sentenced to death by hanging.

Why did President Washington personally lead the army against westerners in the Whiskey Rebellion?

President Washington feared that the rebels threatened the federal government's authority. He believed he needed to make people understand that the constitution gave congress the right to pass and enforce the tax. As an aside the tax was the result of Alexander Hamilton's fiscal policies. Naturally he urged Washington to take swift action.

What tax that caused the whiskey rebellion?

It was a federal excise tax ,passed in 1791, on whiskey distillers where small distillers paid per gallon while the large distillers paid a flat rate.

How are shays rebellion and the whiskey rebellion different?

During Shays's Rebellion, the state was unable to control Shays and his followers and requested help from the government under the Articles. The Articles of Confederation was a weak government and was unable to support, with force, the state of MA in order to aid in the defeat of the rebellion. The Whiskey Rebellion occurred under the new Constitution of the US. Western PA farmers refused to pay the tax that was enacted on whiskey by the new federal government. This was the first test of the new government to enforce the laws it enacted. President Washington ordered troops into the area of western PA and the Whiskey Rebellion collapsed as it became evident that the government was capable of enforcing the law.

What are George Washington's accomplishments as a president?

George Washington was the first president of the United States under the new US Constitution. He established the cabinet which states that president may require written opinions of the heads of the executive branch department. And he established cabinet meetings and other procedure for his office. Washington allowed Secretary of Treasury Alexander Hamilton to establish (or at least attempt to) an effective Bank (Bank of America) in order to pay off the national debt of the previous war. Washington also made the first official move which showed that the government was indeed effective by his strong response to the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794 . Lastly Washington's attempts at neutrality in the French Revolution and the ensuing conflicts between France and Britain kept the US mostly free of European crises for a more few years.

What was the whiskeys rebellion?

The Whiskey Rebellion was a citizen revolt against a 1791 tax on whiskey. The reaction to the 1794 uprising in Pennsylvania demonstrated the determination of the US to enforce Federal Laws. The militias of several states, under the personal command of President George Washington, were used to end the insurrection. The tax on whiskey was bitterly and fiercely opposed by the settlers on the frontier from the day it was passed. Western farmers considered it to be both unfair and discriminatory, since they had traditionally converted their excess grain into liquor. Since the nature of the tax affected those who sold the whiskey, it directly affected many farmers. Many protest meetings were held, and a situation arose which was reminiscent of the opposition to the Stamp Act of 1765, before the American Revolution. Several groups were formed in opposition to the tax, and refused to pay it. Eventually the coercion of officials and private citizens prompted Washington to use military action. (see related link below)

What are the similarities and differences of shays rebellion and the whiskey rebellion?

The Whiskey Rebellion occured in Pennsylvania, during George Washington's second term as President of the United States. The Secretary of Treasury, Alexander Hamilton had declared a tax on liquor made from the wheat and barley that the Pennsylvania farmers grew. The farmers protested, became rebels and overcame small groups of federal troops. They closed the courts and began a march to Pittsburg. President Washington knew he could not let this small band of rebels continue. He dressed in his military uniform and led a group of heavily armed militiamen to quickly put down the revolt. The president declared the only way to change federal law was at the ballot box.

Who are the 4 guys on mt rushmoore?

In order from left to right, we have President George Washington, President Thomas Jefferson, President Theodore Roosevelt, and president Abraham Lincoln. Washington was the first president. Jefferson was the third president. Roosevelt was the 26rd president. Lincoln was the 16th president.