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It brought in the Americans on the side of the Allies. But the biggest cause of Germany's defeat was their decision to invade Russia.

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Germany has never bombed Pearl Harbor.

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Q: Why did Germany bomb Pearl Harbor?
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What did Hitler bomb Pearl Harbor with?

Hitler didn't bomb Pearl harbor, the Japanese did.

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The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, not the U.S.A.

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There was no atomic bombs on Pearl Harbor

What is the reason for the US fighting Germany when Japan attacked pearl harbor?

yes it was than they launched in adam bomb in japan!

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Did Germany attack anyone after pearl harbor?

Germany didn't attack pearl harbor dumb***, that was japan

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No, they escorted the bombers then strafed the installations around Pearl Harbor.

How did the people at pearl harbor react when the first ship was bombed?

they startd to bomb Germany and then people stuck up for them and the war started

Did the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor on purpose?

Why else would they bomb the harbour?

Why did US bomb china after pearl harbor?

They thought China helped bomb them.

How big was the bomb used on pearl harbor?

There were several bombs used on Pearl Harbour it was not a one bomb attack.