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because Germany rocks!!

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Q: Why did Germany sign a cease fire with the allies?
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When did the war as Germany and Allies sign an armistice?


When did he allies and Germany sign the treaty of Versailles?

28 June 1919 .

Why did Germany finally sign an armistice?

Its allies had fallen and the people were so sick of war they overthrew the Kaiser who had gotten them into the war in the first place.

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What was Germany's condition after World War 1?

Following the end of World War 1, Germany's political and economical conditions were grave. They were forced to pay reparations to the Allies and lost all of their overseas colonies. Politically they were disunited. The Treaty of Versailles Germany was forced to sign as part of the armistice were severe in their terms towards Germany.

What role did Germany play in the writing of the Treaty of Versailles?

I really don't know

Is Sagittarius an air sign?

No. Sagittarius is a fire sign along with Aries and Leo.

How could the Allies be partially blamed for World War 2?

Japan caused the US to get into the war not the other way around.

Why did France sign an armistice with Germany?

France signed an armistice with Germany because it was overwhelmed by the blitzkrieg, when Germany invaded France.

What impact did World War 1 have on Germany?

World War 1 had the biggest devastating effect on Germany.The Allies blamed Germany for the war as a result Germany were ordered to sign the Treatyof Versailles drawn by the Allies. The treaty imposed huge reparation on Germany which included destruction caused by the war, and pensions for millions of Allied soldiers. Germans were forced to sign the treaty which help srark an even deadlier world war. x

Why was the cease fire agreement in the Korean War signed?

They agreed to be peaceful and stop fighting.