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Alexander the great defeated the Persians (age-long enemies of the Greeks) and took over the Persian Empire. At that time Egypt was under the Persians. When Alexander entered Egypt the Egyptians saw him as a liberator. After Alexander's death civil wars broke out and then his conquests were partitioned, forming the kingdom of Macedon in Greece, the Kingdom of Pergamon in western Turkey, the Seleucid Kingdom in Persia and the Middle East and the Ptolemaic kingdom in Egypt. The Ptolemies remained the Greek rulers of Egypt until the Roman takeover.

The Roman did not set out to conquer Egypt. Julius Caesar fought a civil War against the forces of the senate led by Pompey (in Caesar's Civil War). After a defeat in battle in Greece, Pompey fled to Egypt. Caesar pursued him in Egypt. He became the lover of Cleopatra VI, the queen of Egypt, took her side in a civil war between her and her brother and spent a lot of time in Egypt. At that point Egypt was an ally of Caesar, the ruler of Rome, through Cleopatra.

After Caesar's assassination, the Second Triumvirate (a three-man alliance between Octavian, Mark Antony and Marcus Aemilius Lepidus) fought against the forces of the assassins of Caesar in the Liberators' Civil War. After winning this war the three men divided the Roman provinces into spheres of influence. Octavian took the west and mark Antony took the east. Mark Antony, too, became Cleopatra's lover, decided to live in Egypt and bestowed titles on her. In the final power struggle, the Final Civil War of the Roman Republic, Octavian defeated mark Antony and his ally, Cleopatra. Both committed suicide. Octavian went on to become the first Roman emperor as Augustus and annexed Egypt. Egypt had already become heavily embroiled in Roman politics and therefore had already come under the Roman sphere of influence.

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Q: Why did Greece than Rome want to take over Egypt?
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How did the roman empire take over egypt?

Rome took over Egypt after the civil war between the last two triumvirs, Octavian and Antony. As Egypt was allied with Antony, it fell to Octavian who was the victor.

Do an essay on the Roman Empire?

Write about how Hitler killed Ceaser then used dinosaurs to take over Egypt and China, and then Rome used there gods to kill Hitler.

What events were occurring during Cleopatra the 7th's lifetime?

In the 39 years of Cleopatra's lifetime there were numerous events taking place all over the world. Her father was deposed and regained his throne, pirates were blockading Rome, there was a famine in Egypt and the mid east, Parthia was trying to take over Judaea and there was a political split in Rome. These are just a few of the events that occurred during Cleo's lifetime.In the 39 years of Cleopatra's lifetime there were numerous events taking place all over the world. Her father was deposed and regained his throne, pirates were blockading Rome, there was a famine in Egypt and the mid east, Parthia was trying to take over Judaea and there was a political split in Rome. These are just a few of the events that occurred during Cleo's lifetime.In the 39 years of Cleopatra's lifetime there were numerous events taking place all over the world. Her father was deposed and regained his throne, pirates were blockading Rome, there was a famine in Egypt and the mid east, Parthia was trying to take over Judaea and there was a political split in Rome. These are just a few of the events that occurred during Cleo's lifetime.In the 39 years of Cleopatra's lifetime there were numerous events taking place all over the world. Her father was deposed and regained his throne, pirates were blockading Rome, there was a famine in Egypt and the mid east, Parthia was trying to take over Judaea and there was a political split in Rome. These are just a few of the events that occurred during Cleo's lifetime.In the 39 years of Cleopatra's lifetime there were numerous events taking place all over the world. Her father was deposed and regained his throne, pirates were blockading Rome, there was a famine in Egypt and the mid east, Parthia was trying to take over Judaea and there was a political split in Rome. These are just a few of the events that occurred during Cleo's lifetime.In the 39 years of Cleopatra's lifetime there were numerous events taking place all over the world. Her father was deposed and regained his throne, pirates were blockading Rome, there was a famine in Egypt and the mid east, Parthia was trying to take over Judaea and there was a political split in Rome. These are just a few of the events that occurred during Cleo's lifetime.In the 39 years of Cleopatra's lifetime there were numerous events taking place all over the world. Her father was deposed and regained his throne, pirates were blockading Rome, there was a famine in Egypt and the mid east, Parthia was trying to take over Judaea and there was a political split in Rome. These are just a few of the events that occurred during Cleo's lifetime.In the 39 years of Cleopatra's lifetime there were numerous events taking place all over the world. Her father was deposed and regained his throne, pirates were blockading Rome, there was a famine in Egypt and the mid east, Parthia was trying to take over Judaea and there was a political split in Rome. These are just a few of the events that occurred during Cleo's lifetime.In the 39 years of Cleopatra's lifetime there were numerous events taking place all over the world. Her father was deposed and regained his throne, pirates were blockading Rome, there was a famine in Egypt and the mid east, Parthia was trying to take over Judaea and there was a political split in Rome. These are just a few of the events that occurred during Cleo's lifetime.

Did Nubia take over Egypt or did Egypt take over Nubia?

Both At Different Points in History.Egypt took over nubia once, then got invaded by Libyans then the Nubians Took over again ect.

Did the germanic tribes take over the roman empire?

yes, they did take over. the reason was beacause the romans were starting to forget what rome was all about.

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How did the roman empire take over egypt?

Rome took over Egypt after the civil war between the last two triumvirs, Octavian and Antony. As Egypt was allied with Antony, it fell to Octavian who was the victor.

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octavios was a powerful man in Greece that came into Egypt to take over also the reason why Cleopatra died

Why did Cleopatra join an alliance with rome?

Cleopatra joined in an alliance with Rome in order to try to preserve Egypt's independence. She ruled a wealthy country which was surrounded by Roman territories and allies. She knew that at any time Rome could walk in and take over Egypt and there would be nothing she could do about it. To add to her apprehension, one of her ancestors actually willed Egypt to Rome, but Rome declined to accept. An alliance was the one way to preserve her country's independence and her dynasty.Cleopatra joined in an alliance with Rome in order to try to preserve Egypt's independence. She ruled a wealthy country which was surrounded by Roman territories and allies. She knew that at any time Rome could walk in and take over Egypt and there would be nothing she could do about it. To add to her apprehension, one of her ancestors actually willed Egypt to Rome, but Rome declined to accept. An alliance was the one way to preserve her country's independence and her dynasty.Cleopatra joined in an alliance with Rome in order to try to preserve Egypt's independence. She ruled a wealthy country which was surrounded by Roman territories and allies. She knew that at any time Rome could walk in and take over Egypt and there would be nothing she could do about it. To add to her apprehension, one of her ancestors actually willed Egypt to Rome, but Rome declined to accept. An alliance was the one way to preserve her country's independence and her dynasty.Cleopatra joined in an alliance with Rome in order to try to preserve Egypt's independence. She ruled a wealthy country which was surrounded by Roman territories and allies. She knew that at any time Rome could walk in and take over Egypt and there would be nothing she could do about it. To add to her apprehension, one of her ancestors actually willed Egypt to Rome, but Rome declined to accept. An alliance was the one way to preserve her country's independence and her dynasty.Cleopatra joined in an alliance with Rome in order to try to preserve Egypt's independence. She ruled a wealthy country which was surrounded by Roman territories and allies. She knew that at any time Rome could walk in and take over Egypt and there would be nothing she could do about it. To add to her apprehension, one of her ancestors actually willed Egypt to Rome, but Rome declined to accept. An alliance was the one way to preserve her country's independence and her dynasty.Cleopatra joined in an alliance with Rome in order to try to preserve Egypt's independence. She ruled a wealthy country which was surrounded by Roman territories and allies. She knew that at any time Rome could walk in and take over Egypt and there would be nothing she could do about it. To add to her apprehension, one of her ancestors actually willed Egypt to Rome, but Rome declined to accept. An alliance was the one way to preserve her country's independence and her dynasty.Cleopatra joined in an alliance with Rome in order to try to preserve Egypt's independence. She ruled a wealthy country which was surrounded by Roman territories and allies. She knew that at any time Rome could walk in and take over Egypt and there would be nothing she could do about it. To add to her apprehension, one of her ancestors actually willed Egypt to Rome, but Rome declined to accept. An alliance was the one way to preserve her country's independence and her dynasty.Cleopatra joined in an alliance with Rome in order to try to preserve Egypt's independence. She ruled a wealthy country which was surrounded by Roman territories and allies. She knew that at any time Rome could walk in and take over Egypt and there would be nothing she could do about it. To add to her apprehension, one of her ancestors actually willed Egypt to Rome, but Rome declined to accept. An alliance was the one way to preserve her country's independence and her dynasty.Cleopatra joined in an alliance with Rome in order to try to preserve Egypt's independence. She ruled a wealthy country which was surrounded by Roman territories and allies. She knew that at any time Rome could walk in and take over Egypt and there would be nothing she could do about it. To add to her apprehension, one of her ancestors actually willed Egypt to Rome, but Rome declined to accept. An alliance was the one way to preserve her country's independence and her dynasty.

What did Ancient Greece take from Ancient Rome?

Nothing, Ancient Greece came before Ancient Rome, and actually Ancient Rome took things from Greece, Romans were influenced by Greek religion and some of their architecture.

What was Julius Caesar achievements in Rome?

Julius Caesers achievement in Rome was to take it over and dictate it. He succeed. After achieving that he began to take over other places. One way he did this was by befriending Cleopatra thereby adding egypt into the empire with no war.

Where did Zeus take place as a god for worshipers?

In Greece and Rome

What was the relationship between Rome and Egypt before Cleopatra was ruler?

An ambiguous one on Rome's part and a nervous one on Egypt's part. For many years Rome had been the protector of Egypt and this was reaffirmed in Ptolemy XII's will. Rome debated weather to take over Egypt, but because of the country's wealth, it is said that the senate decided against it. The country was simply too wealthy and too strategically located to risk having some ambitious general taking over the place and with its resources be able to march on Rome. Rome would, at least for the time being, be content to play the role of protector and settle the disputes in the royal family. Egypt was apprehensive. Most of the territories around it were already taken over by Rome and there was always the possibility that they would be next.

Did ancient Greece try to take over ancient Egypt?

Tried and succeeded! Alexander the Great's general Ptolemy established the last line of Pharaoh's all of whom were, obviously, Greek. Many of them did not even speak Egyptian. The last and most famous of these Ptolemaic rulers - a little lady named Cleopatra VII.

Was queen Cleopatra a powerful queen?

No, Cleopatra was not a powerful queen. Her claim to fame was her sexual activities not her governmental activities. Egypt, at the time of Cleopatra, was in a very weakened state, militarily. Egypt had no army to speak of. Caesar had to leave troops there to both protect Cleopatra and police Egypt. Marc Antony even had to give Cleopatra a bodyguard. All during the reign of Cleopatra, the shadow of Rome loomed over Egypt. Cleo knew that at anytime Rome could step in and take over Egypt and there would be little or nothing she could do about it. That's why she allied herself with Rome's two most powerful leaders, in an effort to keep Egypt independent.No, Cleopatra was not a powerful queen. Her claim to fame was her sexual activities not her governmental activities. Egypt, at the time of Cleopatra, was in a very weakened state, militarily. Egypt had no army to speak of. Caesar had to leave troops there to both protect Cleopatra and police Egypt. Marc Antony even had to give Cleopatra a bodyguard. All during the reign of Cleopatra, the shadow of Rome loomed over Egypt. Cleo knew that at anytime Rome could step in and take over Egypt and there would be little or nothing she could do about it. That's why she allied herself with Rome's two most powerful leaders, in an effort to keep Egypt independent.No, Cleopatra was not a powerful queen. Her claim to fame was her sexual activities not her governmental activities. Egypt, at the time of Cleopatra, was in a very weakened state, militarily. Egypt had no army to speak of. Caesar had to leave troops there to both protect Cleopatra and police Egypt. Marc Antony even had to give Cleopatra a bodyguard. All during the reign of Cleopatra, the shadow of Rome loomed over Egypt. Cleo knew that at anytime Rome could step in and take over Egypt and there would be little or nothing she could do about it. That's why she allied herself with Rome's two most powerful leaders, in an effort to keep Egypt independent.No, Cleopatra was not a powerful queen. Her claim to fame was her sexual activities not her governmental activities. Egypt, at the time of Cleopatra, was in a very weakened state, militarily. Egypt had no army to speak of. Caesar had to leave troops there to both protect Cleopatra and police Egypt. Marc Antony even had to give Cleopatra a bodyguard. All during the reign of Cleopatra, the shadow of Rome loomed over Egypt. Cleo knew that at anytime Rome could step in and take over Egypt and there would be little or nothing she could do about it. That's why she allied herself with Rome's two most powerful leaders, in an effort to keep Egypt independent.No, Cleopatra was not a powerful queen. Her claim to fame was her sexual activities not her governmental activities. Egypt, at the time of Cleopatra, was in a very weakened state, militarily. Egypt had no army to speak of. Caesar had to leave troops there to both protect Cleopatra and police Egypt. Marc Antony even had to give Cleopatra a bodyguard. All during the reign of Cleopatra, the shadow of Rome loomed over Egypt. Cleo knew that at anytime Rome could step in and take over Egypt and there would be little or nothing she could do about it. That's why she allied herself with Rome's two most powerful leaders, in an effort to keep Egypt independent.No, Cleopatra was not a powerful queen. Her claim to fame was her sexual activities not her governmental activities. Egypt, at the time of Cleopatra, was in a very weakened state, militarily. Egypt had no army to speak of. Caesar had to leave troops there to both protect Cleopatra and police Egypt. Marc Antony even had to give Cleopatra a bodyguard. All during the reign of Cleopatra, the shadow of Rome loomed over Egypt. Cleo knew that at anytime Rome could step in and take over Egypt and there would be little or nothing she could do about it. That's why she allied herself with Rome's two most powerful leaders, in an effort to keep Egypt independent.No, Cleopatra was not a powerful queen. Her claim to fame was her sexual activities not her governmental activities. Egypt, at the time of Cleopatra, was in a very weakened state, militarily. Egypt had no army to speak of. Caesar had to leave troops there to both protect Cleopatra and police Egypt. Marc Antony even had to give Cleopatra a bodyguard. All during the reign of Cleopatra, the shadow of Rome loomed over Egypt. Cleo knew that at anytime Rome could step in and take over Egypt and there would be little or nothing she could do about it. That's why she allied herself with Rome's two most powerful leaders, in an effort to keep Egypt independent.No, Cleopatra was not a powerful queen. Her claim to fame was her sexual activities not her governmental activities. Egypt, at the time of Cleopatra, was in a very weakened state, militarily. Egypt had no army to speak of. Caesar had to leave troops there to both protect Cleopatra and police Egypt. Marc Antony even had to give Cleopatra a bodyguard. All during the reign of Cleopatra, the shadow of Rome loomed over Egypt. Cleo knew that at anytime Rome could step in and take over Egypt and there would be little or nothing she could do about it. That's why she allied herself with Rome's two most powerful leaders, in an effort to keep Egypt independent.No, Cleopatra was not a powerful queen. Her claim to fame was her sexual activities not her governmental activities. Egypt, at the time of Cleopatra, was in a very weakened state, militarily. Egypt had no army to speak of. Caesar had to leave troops there to both protect Cleopatra and police Egypt. Marc Antony even had to give Cleopatra a bodyguard. All during the reign of Cleopatra, the shadow of Rome loomed over Egypt. Cleo knew that at anytime Rome could step in and take over Egypt and there would be little or nothing she could do about it. That's why she allied herself with Rome's two most powerful leaders, in an effort to keep Egypt independent.

When did Rome take over Egypt?

Octavian defeated Mark Antony and Cleopatra VII and annexed the Kingdom of Egypt to Rome in 30 BC. It was Romeâ??s wealthiest province with a well structured urban economy. It became a major depository for grain to feed the empire.