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The first few tests showed the dominant characteristics, but after so many crosses, the recessive traits began to show.

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Q: Why did Gregor Mendel perform so many crosses for the same characteristics?
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Gregor mendel

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Gregor Johann Mendel

Characteristics of gregor Mendel?

He was male. German-speaking Moravian.

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What is the name of the scientist that study inherited characteristics?

Gregor Johann Mendel

Why is Gregor Mendel important for the genetics?

He showed that inherited characteristics are discreet AND not blended.

The theory of inheritance was first proposed by an Austrian monk named?

Gregor Mendel is the father of genetics.He found the inheritance using pea plants.

What experiment did mendel perform to test inheritance?

a. purebred crosses b. dihybrid crosses c. monohybrid crosses d. testcrosses (B)

Who is the first person to trace the characteristics of successive generations of living things?

Gregor Mendel

Who was the first person to trace the characteristics of successive generations of a living thing?

gregor mendel

When did Mendel perform his experiments?

Gregor Mendel did his work that led to the Law of Segregation and the Law of Independent Assortment between 1856 and 1863.

Was Gregor Mendel a nudist?

Gregor Mendel was a German monk.