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It is believed that Hitler (or the group behind the name) traced all origins of the Europe population (meaning white race), resulting that it had only 3 sources of true European "blood". The theory is based on the stream of Germanic cultures (Germany, Scandinavians, etc) and Latin cultures (France, Spain, Italy, etc), to make a point, one needs to understand that all those cultures have a Latin based language, and Latin itself is mysteriously birth located in ancient Greece. Greece comes up surprisingly but there was always a lack of connection between present and ancient Greeks, also late researches say that the Latin language was created as a key for enter the Senate or Parliament, in other words, it was only spoken there (call it a political language), meaning that the whole area (from present Greece to Slovenia) must have spoken a different language, this is where Albania comes into part.

Hitler's indirect respect for population came also from German linguistics who were fascinated by the Albanian language and concluded that the language inherits more mystery than it is known, some researches even describe it as a melodically language, and i can confirm from personal experiences, Albanian speaking people can learn any language at least twice faster than any other language speaking person, they do have all the notes and tones a language world wide consists, therefore even Hitler must have been surprised how old this Language could have been.

Also, with all due respect, Hitler contained a good amount of history documentation, for example he had a copy of the Qu'ran which dated back to 800 (AD). He also had documents confirming that Scotland, Ireland, Welsh (all the Anglo culture) have mysterious songs and belief that their ancestors, the Celts, were pushed away from home by the Romans. Now to clear this out, Celts and other small tribes were neighbors of the Illyria, and you don't need more information than the history of war itself to see who co-lived in peace. It was only Rome who always created problems in Europe, meaning that Illyria somehow had relations with the other tribes, which, again, opens a theory that the Ancient Pelasgia must have been split into tribes, tribes like the giant Illyria, Celtics, Traci's, Hellenic's and later Macedonians and Epirots (note, all of these tribes spoke a 99% similar language, and the only language on that area that never died is Albanian).

This answers the race question though nothing remained pure on it due to Ottoman and Slavic offensives (keep in mind, those two cultures have very far away locations from where they keep saying they own land). Unfortunately i cannot answer the DEFEND part since Hitler never defended someone else rather then himself and Germans, but what i can tell you is that he wanted the nationalism of Albanians in Germans, but i must say he misunderstood that nationalism, again let me talk personally, i have never met people more kind and hospital than Albanians, they define Patriotism/Nationalism in such a peaceful way but only due to being remembered and having a safe future, they are people who would never ever declare war nor hurt other nations, i am very proud of having children with half of their DNA from their Albanian mother.

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