

Why do Indians come to the US?

Updated: 8/22/2023
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10y ago

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Indians come here because there's less competition here than back in their home country. We also have lots of working sewer systems, unlike there. It's common practice for people to not use toilets in India, especially in more rural/poor communities. When it rains, there's poop that can flow down the street in cities because there's no sewage infrastructure like in the US.

In addition, the government is known to be run by corrupt politicians, but more so than in the United States. Our laws are pretty static here, but there you have to pay someone thousands of dollars just to do their jobs. Of course that only makes the society amenable to the upper class/rich people. Although caste systems are illegal there, it's part of their culture and so it continues. Since India is predominantly Hindu (especially the government), if you're born lower class---there's no social programs or philanthropy from groups/agencies like in the USA. It's a real struggle. Not to mention that women there are not respected as much as the man. If a woman is divorced, it's shameful to the honor of the family. Ninety percent of Indian marriages are still through arranged marriages in which their parents set up for them. If they have kids, they want to have a better life for them here in the US than in India, especially if they're female since women are still being gang raped left and right over there, sadly. Rural villages are composed of uneducated people who, believe it or not, will still kill an infant after birth if it's found to be female vs. male. No, these aren't things you hear about through our media because Indians are very proud people. However, they know that coming here means they have to play a PR campaign strategically, so they don't mention any of these things to Americans. They want to be looked up to, even admired, not pitied.

Okay, I know what you're thinking: "Better life---but I'm struggling here every damn day. How can they have a better life in the USA if I grew up here and I can barely make my bills?" Look closely and watch Indians that are here in the US. Once they get here, they stick together. Unlike the garbage we're fed in the USA about 'manifest destiny' regarding us doing it all on our own (which in reality is based on pure ignorance because no one truly succeeds without help from someone else), they all help one another to succeed. They come here and welcome one another into their homes and bond with long-term friendships. This bonding is kind of like a business arrangement for survival. Growing up in such a highly-populated area makes one a scrapper for survival because it's a necessity. You come up against one, you come up against all their friends too; it's almost gang-like.

Once Indians get here, loopholes have already been learned from those who have previously arrived in the USA. That information is shared from one Indian to another. Americans, well....we don't really do that now do we? If I want to set up a business for myself, I alone have to go from agency to agency to figure out how to do it because no American will help me out of the kindness of their own heart (unless they expect sexual favors since I'm a woman). Indians know how to make money even under the table, and quickly, if necessary. They can set up businesses and they trust one another once they're here in the US because it's all about their reputation if they want to do well here. It's a community thing with them. I had an Indian tell me that they don't ever tell Americans the true extent of everything they know about surviving here because we won't keep it a secret; we could expose them all. After all, aren't Americans and Indians now competing for the same jobs? Yes. It's not safe to think American citizens and non-US immigrants/nonimmigrants would ever be able to truly trust one another because of that. By default, we're not on the same team for survival.

My point is, Indians can get further in the USA than they can in India financially because they know how to scam our system. It's easier to scam the US system than it is in India since there's more wealth to go around than back in India. For example, I had a hell of a rough time a year ago because of the economy. I almost lost everything. My family wouldn't even help me because they're selfish, spoiled people. I applied for food stamps and various welfare a social worker friend of mine assured me I would get since I'm a citizen, I have college, etc. However, I found out that simply because I had more than $500 in my bank account, I was denied everything---even any type of health insurance plan. All I had in the bank was left to pay my mortgage payment, then I was left with nothing for food, and no other bills. I was terrified. Then I found out the reason many people from specific latino nationalities get approval was because they knew how they system works, as I didn't. It's common to have peers within your social group to inform you exactly how the system works if you want to take advantage of certain social programs. Had someone just told me to show nothing in my bank account when I applied for welfare, i would have received approval. I could have paid my mortgage with a cashier's check, leaving the welfare office unable to track money I had hidden under my mattress. However, I'm white. White people don't help eachother at all, unless they're white men in top level CEO positions somewhere on Wall Street living in ivory towers somewhere.

How do I know all this? I went through a phase of dating men from India/Pakistan for a few years. I was naive in thinking they seemed harmless and sweet, which was a huge mistake. During that time of getting to know them, I asked lots of questions; other cultures fascinate me. I also studied Geography in grad school which kick-started my fascination with the whole, "Hey, is Fox News really telling us the truth about how super awesome we are or are they feeding us a bunch of BS?" I learned just like an abused child that grows up in an abusive family, one may not realize anything is wrong. So, awesomeness is strictly based on one's own perception of what they're used to experiencing as a common baseline in their daily life.

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They migrate with weather to stay warm.

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they traveled by foot or sail in canoes

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