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Q: Why did Johnson feel so strongly about passing the civil rights bill?
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Which did Congress want during Reconstruction that Andrew Johnson opposed?

Passing the Civil Rights act.

What did Congress want during Reconstruction that Andrew Johnson opposed?

Outlawing the Black Codes Passing the First Reconstruction Act Passing the Civil Rights Act

Was president Johnson responsible for passing the first civil rights bill?

The Civil Rights Act was mostly drawn up during the Kennedy years, but Kennedy was unable to get it passed by Congress. Lyndon Johnson after Kennedy's assassination put the wheels in motion to finally get it passed, in 1964.

Why did Johnson support the civil rights amendments?

He signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

When southern senators attempted to prevent the civil rights act of 1957 from passing who put together a compromise that helped the act to pass?

Lyndon B. Johnson

Why was president Johnson at an advantage over president kennedy in passing civil rights legislation?

He was from the deep south, and had many political allies who were movers and shakers.

Why did Johnson consider the civil rights bill unconstitutional?

The civil rights bill asserted, that the civil rights of the citizen were to be protected by the federal courts against the laws of the state in which he lived. Johnson, with his states' rights views, was forced to veto the bill.

What was president Johnson's greatest accomplishment?

President Johnson's greatest accomplishment was his dedicated leadership in passing the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which aimed to end racial discrimination and segregation in the United States. This groundbreaking legislation was a major step forward in guaranteeing equal rights for all Americans, setting the stage for further advancements in civil rights for marginalized communities.

How did Lyndon Johnson contribute to the black civil rights movement?

Johnson pushed through Congress most of Kennedy's civil rights agenda and generally improved the lot of minorities.

Who signed the civil rights act?

Lyndon Johnson

What were the political consequence's of JFK's assassination?

Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson (who witnessed the shooting) was elected as President. Johnson soon began passing the Civil Rights Bill to honor the dead President and persuaded Congress.

What president passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

it was in 1964 :D