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He revealed his true identity because he was boasting about being clever and stuff. He wasn't being very bright, as usual.

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Q: Why did Odysseus reveal his true identity to the cyclops?
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Why does Odysseus reveal his true identity to polyphemus?

Odysseus reveals his true identity to Polyphemus because he is absorbed in the moment. He has just designed an ingenious escape and blinded a cyclops, and, caught up in the glory of the moment doesn't think about the consequenses of his actions. Hubris (excessive pride) is one of his character flaws.

What secret does Odysseus reveal that allows Penelope to be sure of Odysseus' true identity?

He tells her about their bed and how its made out of the olive tree and immovable. Only something that Odysseus and her knew.

What mistake does Odysseus make with the cyclops?

Odysseus tells the cyclops Polythemus his true name, after blinding Polythemus.

What did Odysseus say that angered Poseidon?

He did not say anything to Poseidon; rather, he blinded Polyphemus, the god's cyclops son, because of his pride (his hubris) Odysseus revealed his true identity to the cyclops, and in return Polyphemus told his father (the resulting hamartia.)

What is your general impression of Odysseus based on the adventures with the cyclopes?

My general impression is one of a man who has a high ego. I think that Odysseus is full of pride since he reveals his true identity after he had defeated the Cyclops. He says he lives in Ithaca and is the son of Laertes so the Cyclops knows exactly who is.

True or false that odysseus says that the cyclops are solitary louts who do not have tribal customs or farms?


What do you think of Odysseus's decision to taunt the Cyclops from his ship?

I thought this was a stupid decision. Odysseus knew what the cyclops could do to him. He also knew that he had really ticked off the cyclops. By taunting him from his ship, he just made him more upset and almost killed his crew, as well as himself. Also by doing this, he got himself cursed by Posiden. I hope this helped!

Did the movie Forrest Gump reveal the true identity of the person in the film?

No, the movie Forrest Gump did not reveal the true identity of a mentally retarded person.

How does the order in which Odysseus reveals herself to his friends and loved ones build suspense Explain?

The order in which Odysseus reveals herself to her friends and loved ones builds suspense by creating anticipation and mystery. By strategically choosing who to reveal her true identity to first, Odysseus heightens tension and keeps the reader or audience engaged as they wait to see how each character will react to the revelation. This sequencing also allows for a gradual unveiling of Odysseus' true identity, adding layers of complexity to the narrative and increasing the emotional impact of each reveal.

What foolish thing does Odysseus do in chapter 9?

In chapter 9 of the Odyssey, Odysseus foolishly reveals his true identity to Polyphemus the Cyclops after blinding him. This action leads to Polyphemus seeking revenge and making it harder for Odysseus and his men to escape.

How does Athena transform Odysseus?

She makes Odysseus disguises as a beggar so no one will know his true identity.

What does Odysseus tell Polyphemus as they are sailing away?

When Odysseus is sailing away, he reveals his true name while taunting the cyclops Polyphemus. This proves to be a poor choice that ends up coming back to haunt him later. The name Odysseus originally gives the cyclops is 'Noman' or 'Nobody'.