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Artists choose their subjects for various reasons which are seldom known to us.

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Q: Why did Salvador Dali paint the Metamorphosis of Narcissus?
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Related questions

What does Narcissus have to do with Salvador Dali?

Only the fact that Dali made a painting called The Metamorphosis of Narcissus (1937).

When was the blooming egg painted by Dali?

This painting was titled Metamorphosis of Narcissus and it was painted in 1937.

In which style of art did Salvador Dali paint?

He was a surrealist.

What did Salvador Dali paint?

His dreams or dreamlike pictures.

What did Salvador Dali paint as a young child?


When did Salvador Dali paint the Dentist?

It was painted in 1978

Why did Salvador Dali paint the 'Lobster Telephone'?

because he was........

When did salvador Dali paint scream?

he didn't, Munch did in 1893 way before Dali

What kind of paint did Salvador Dali use to paint Gala's Christ?

Oil paint.

At what age did Salvador Dali paint his first picture?

When he was 5.

How did Salvador Dali paint?

Dreamlike, seemingly realistic pictures.

What did Salvador Dali use to paint his picture 'The Ghost of Vermeer'?

Oil paint on canvas.