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im not sure but i thinks its C. to get rid of old crops

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Q: Why did early farmers use slash and burn agriculture?
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Why did early farmers slash and burn agriculture?


Why did early farmers use slash-and-burn agriculture?


Did slash-and-burn agriculture help keep the soil fertile for early farmers?


Why did farmers use slash-and-burn agriculture?


How did farmers grow crops in the rainy lowlands if Mesoamerica?

by using slash and burn agriculture

What farming technique did Mayan farmers use that allowed them to convert ash to fertilizer?

slash-and-burn agriculture.

Did slash and burn help keep the soil fertile for early farmers?

True or yes

Which early American civilization used the slash-and-burn technique to provide more land for agriculture?


What are drawbacks of the slash and burn agriculture in Mexico?

Some of the drawbacks of the slash and burn agriculture in Mexico is that it destroys trees and other plants that were growing before the burn. Crops are planted and grown for a few years, but the land quickly becomes depleted and the farmers move to another area, leaving a dead and barren land behind.

Is it true slash and burn agriculture helped keep the soil fertile for early farmers?

No, it is not true. Slash and burn agriculture involves clearing land by cutting down vegetation and burning it, which releases nutrients into the soil. However, this method is not sustainable in the long term as the soil fertility gradually declines due to nutrient depletion and erosion. Early farmers had to eventually abandon the land and search for new areas to practice this method, contributing to deforestation.

Slash-and-burn agriculture can lead to?

surplus crawl

What were the techniques used by farmers?

Slash and Burn