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Evangelical Christians, sometimes considered Protestant, have always to some extent supported conservative views, by virtue of their belief in the teachings of The Bible.

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Q: Why did evangelical Protestant Christians began to support conservative issues?
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No, as a conservative evangelical Christian minister, Pat Robertson does not support same-gender relationships or same-gender marriage, and has spoken about such from the pulpit on numerous occasions.

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Yes. Consider Jimmy Carter as a prototypical example. He was a Democratic president, he spoke at the most recent Democratic National Convention, and he has been a very active evangelical Christian since long before he ran for public office.

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No, it does not. The Evangelical Lutheran Synod (ELS) is one of the most conservative Lutheran groups in the United States. It was founded in 1918 by several congregations of the Norwegian Lutheran Church of America who refused to be in fellowship with other congregations of the larger church body that permitted errant doctrine to be taught. This conservative breakaway group became the ELS. Due to its ultra-conservative nature, it almost goes without saying that it would not permit same-sex marriage.

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According to a recent poll, in the United States, opposition to same-sex marriage is highest among senior citizens (58% oppose; 37% support) and white evangelical Christians (73% oppose; 24% support).

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Do you have to be protestant to support rangers?

Not to support the US Army Rangers.

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Is it possible to be a religious conservative while being a political liberal?

Yes, there are many of us in fact. Typical case is the Christian who does not support the Democrat position on abortion but does support the biblical social policies (help your neighbor) of the left. People are often surprised to find just how many Dems are sitting in evangelical churches in the US!