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he didnt want take it, but she told him to just give it back to her.

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Q: Why did holden cry when phoebe offered him her Christmas money?
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Phoebe represents innocence, authenticity, and closeness to Holden in "The Catcher in the Rye." She embodies the purity and childhood innocence that Holden desires to protect in a world that he sees as full of phoniness and corruption. Their relationship highlights Holden's longing for connection and his deep-rooted desire to preserve innocence in a world he perceives as harsh and deceitful.

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I think it was a White Christmas

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Holden Caulfield cries on multiple occasions throughout the novel, "The Catcher in the Rye." It is mentioned several times that Holden cries, particularly during moments when he feels overwhelmed, lonely, or despairing. The exact number of times may vary depending on interpretation, but crying is a significant emotional response for Holden in the novel.

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Phoebe lost 13 million dollars when the market dipped.

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Maurice wants money from Holden as payment for services rendered. He demands payment for the time Holden spends with Sunny, a prostitute.

When was paper money made in china?

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What did Phoebe do with her thumb settlement money?

She gave the whole amount to a homeless women.

How much money did Phoebe get as a settlement for the thumb in her soft drink?

I believe it was $2500.