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The attack had several major aims. First, it was supposed to destroy American fleet units, thereby preventing the Pacific Fleet from interfering with Japanese conquest of the Dutch East Indies and Malaya. Second, it was a means to buy time for Japan to consolidate her position and increase her naval strength, before the shipbuilding of the Vinson-Walsh Act erased any chance of victory. Finally, it was intended as a blow against American morale, which might discourage further fighting and enable Japan to conquer Southeast Asia without interference. Making battleships the main target was a means of striking at morale, since they were the prestige ships of any navy at the time.
Japan bombed Pearl Harbor because they believed that while they invaded the rest of Asia that the fleet at Pearl would attack their fleet so they planned a surprise attack and tryed to get rid of all the American ships. They were going to use three waves but instead they only used two because thay thought that the American guns would be ready to shoot down any planes.

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12y ago

the Japanese wanted to get the united states involved in the war, and then once they were out, japan would invade America

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Because it happened prior to a formal declaration of war. Prior to the atomic age (1945) that was the way of doing things.

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14y ago

they attckad pearl harbor because the japenese were trying to plan to take the oil tanks of oil from the us to bring back to japan or somewhere

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Hiroshima, Japan

Did the Japanese use a atomic bomb to attack Pearl Harbor?

No they didn't. The US dropped the Atomic Bomb onto Japan in 1945 and Pearl Harbor happened in 1941.

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I wonder that right after the attack on Pearl Harbor.

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the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941, but the U.S. did not drop the atomic bomb on Japan until August 1945. two atomic bombs were dropped ending the war

Did the US bomb japan before Pearl Harbor?

No, the U.S. bombed japan more or less as a result of Pearl Harbor. Relations between the U.S. and Japan were already sour due to the depression and Pearl Harbor pushed the U.S. that little extra bit to bomb Japan.

What year did japan bomb pearl harbor and the US enters the war?

December 7, 1941

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yes it was than they launched in adam bomb in japan!

When did Japan bomb Pearl Harbor?

The Imperial Japanese Navy made its attack on Pearl Harbor on the morning of December 7, 1941. Early in the morning (Hawaii time). A Sunday.

Why did pearl harbor bomb us?

The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, not the U.S.A.

Why did hiroshima and nagasaki drop the atomic bomb on Pearl Harbor?

Japan did not drop the atomic bomb on Pearl Harbor, they dropped regular bombs and declared war on the US because the US imposed an oil embargo on them. The US dropped the atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to force Japan to surrender.