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Q: Why did japan drop 2 atomics bombs on japanwhat was the result?
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What killed more people in Japan a regular bombings or the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

The atomics bombs killed more people in a single drop.

What were the result of the dropping of two atomic bombs on japan?


What was the purpose of the war manhatten project and how did it result in the end of the war against japan?

it was a secert program. the goal was to develop an atomic bomb, a weapon the produces tremendous power by splitting atomics.

How did the atomic bombs used on Japan get from America to Japan?

The atomic bombs were delivered by the USS Indianoppolis

How many bombs did we drop on Japan?

2 atomic bombs and 2 million HE bombs and 5 million incendiary fire bombs

Bombs in japan were droped by whom?

the bombs were droped by America

What type were the bombs did America drop on Japan?

they were atomic bombs.

What strategies did the allies to end the war with japan?

The Allies dropped atom bombs on the island of Japan as a means to end the war with Japan. The bomb was dropped on the island of Iwo Jima. Many innocent civilians died as a result of this.

Where do Japan keep their nuclear bombs?

Japan has no nuclear weapons.

What strategies did the US use to end the war with Japan?

The Allies dropped atom bombs on the island of Japan as a means to end the war with Japan. The bomb was dropped on the island of Iwo Jima. Many innocent civilians died as a result of this.

Did japan drop bomb on the us after the us dropped the atomic bombs on japan?

No, the Japanese military did not drop any bombs on the USA after the atomic bombs were used on Japan. The bombs and pending invasion by the Soviets and the Americans (and allies) motivated the Emperor Hirohito to surrender to the Allied Forces.

How did the US get the bombs on japan?

by plane