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Slaves could be worked longer and harder and treated poorer than indentured servants, making them a financially better deal for the owners. In addition, as the laws changed, the children of slaves became slaves themselves. Indentured servants would move on when their debt was paid.

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Q: Why did landowners prefer slaves to indentured servants?
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What would plantation owners prefer slaves instead of indentured servants?

they coulld use slaves longer

Did Jamestown use slaves or indentured servants?

They used indentured servants.

Which of these is a good reason landowners would rather have slaves than indentured servants?

since slavery was for life slaves provided more years of work

Did new England have indentured servants or slaves?

New England had indentured servants

What is a reason landowners would rather have slaves than indentured servants.?

Since slavery was for life, I slave provided more years of work. Apex

Did Plantation workers include indentured servants and slaves?

No. Indentured workers were very early in colonial history and slaves replaced them as workers.

Where there a alot of indentured servants or slaves in the colony of New York?

There never were slaves in NY, but there were indentured servants at first. Later, they faded out.

Why did the Jamestown settlers want indentured servants and slaves?

When the colonies required indentured servants or slaves it was to do the work. The first slave arrived in Jamestown in 1609 and after tobacco got a start in the colony workers were needed. Indentured servants didn't work out as well, so more slaves were brought in than indentured servants.

How are slaves different to indentured servants?

Slaves are owned by other people. Indentured servants signed a 7 year contract and were free people.

How many indentured servants did colonial New York have?

New York had indentured servants and slaves.

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Indentured servants left plantations at the end of their contracts. As time went on Planters replaced indentured servants with?
