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they were persecuted for their beliefs

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Q: Why did marmons travel west and settle in Utah?
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Where did Mormons settle in the west?


What motivated the marmons to move west?

they moved west in search of religious freedom

What state would you be in if you were to travel due west from the state of Maine?

utah utah

Why did the Mormons move to the west to settle with Utah?

The Mormons were searching for a place where they could practice their religion in peace and found that place in Utah.

If you were in kansas in which direction would you have to travel to reach Texas?

Departing Kansas you would travel west to reach Utah.

Is Nevada in the west of Utah?

Utah is bordered by Nevada on the west.

Which state is west of Utah?

Utah is bordered by Nevada to the west.

Why did Mormons travel west in the 1830?

Mormons began traveling west in 1831, moving from New York to Ohio. They then moved to Missouri, Illinois, and then what is now Utah. This is because each place they attempted to settle, they faced brutal persecution and in some cases were kicked out of their homes. They left to a place that was uninhabited so that they could practice their religion in peace.

Which state is further west new mexico or Utah?

Utah is further west

What two states border Utah on the west?

Utah is bordered by Nevada to the west.

What state is father west Oregon or Utah?

Oregon is further west than Utah.

Which state is farther west Oregon or Utah?

Oregon is farther west than Utah