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because do not want to live same as animals.

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They were able to build huts or tents that they could live in giving them a much greater range of living possibilities than just what caves they could find.

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Because if they were smart enough to spel "Paleolithic" they were smart enough to build houses.

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large animals (a+)

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Q: Why didn't people usually live in caves during the Paleolithic age?
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People did not usually live in caves during the Paleolithic Age because .?

they were too cold and damp.

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What was type of shelter in the Paleolithic era?

During the Paleolithic Era people didn't have shelters and would hide in caves or behind rocks during storms or bad weather.They also made huts and tents out of bones.

During which stone age was the art in the Lascaux caves created?

During the Upper Paleolithic era.

Why did People did not live in caves in the paleolithic age because?

yes they did they ate there

Facts aout Paleolithic shelter?

The Paleolithic people lived in caves, huts, and tooth or skin hovels near rivers and lakes.

When was the Paleolithic times?

The Paleolithic times were when people made tools such as...AxesSpearsThey ate food such as...MammothsDeerAnd they lived in caves that were...Made out of bonesWeren't very dryHope this helped!

What did Paleolithic people do for fun?

they made paintings in caves..................................................................................every one should no that stupid idiots..............xD

How did Paleolithic people adapt to their environment?

The way that Paleolithic people lived depended on where they lived. Those in warm climates needed little clothing or shelter. People in cold climates sought protection from the weather in caves.

Why did people not live in caves in the Paleolithic age?

They were able to build huts or tents that they could live in giving them a much greater range of living possibilities than just what caves they could find.

The latest theory about the painted images in the Paleolithic caves at Chauvet and Lascaux is that they were strictly decorative?

This is false.

Why did people not live in cave during the ages?

During the so-called "Stone Ages," people did live in caves, especially during the Paleolithic period. However, caves were not always the preferred dwelling places, as they were shared with wild animals and often lacked sufficient protection from the elements. Additionally, humans gradually developed the ability to build more sophisticated shelters using materials like wood and animal hides, which provided better insulation and safety.