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Erwin Schrödinger was a physicist and a father of quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics deals a lot with probability. His famous Schrödinger equation, which deals with how the quantum state of a physical system changes in time, uses probability in how it deals with the local conservation of probability density. For more information, please see the Related Link below.

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Q: Why did schrodinger use probability?
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Related questions

Who determined probability location of electrons in atoms?

Erwin Schrodinger

What are the differences in the use of the time-dependent Schrodinger equation and the time-independent Schrodinger equation?

The time-independent Schr

What is Edwin Schrodinger's wave equation used to calculate?

It is used to find probability distributions (expectation values) of properties of subatomic particles.

What are the contributions of erwin schrodinger in physics?

He mathematically calculated theregion around a nucleus of atom where electrons may exist or he calculated the probability to find the electron around nucleus.

What evidence did Erwin Schrodinger have to support is theory?

When Schrodinger applied his mathematical formulae to the permitted states of an electron in a hydrogen atom, he found they perfectly matched the Bohr Model, which had perfectly predicted hydrogen spectral lines. For Schrondinger, that was good enough for him to publish his work. Max Born later showed that the Schrodinger Equation could be used to accurately predict particle scattering from a nucleus. However, Born showed that this would only work if one assumes that the cross-product of Schrodinger's Wave Function represents the probability of a point charge being in a specific place; something that Schrodinger never accepted.

What thought experiment did Erwin Schrodinger create?

The thought experiment Erwin Schrodinger created was "Schrodinger's cat" which at times has been described as a paradox. Schrodinger created this experiment in the year 1935.

What was Erwin Schrodinger religon?

Schrodinger was born to Roman Catholic parents.

How do you find the probability of independent and dependent events?

P(A given B)*P(B)=P(A and B), where event A is dependent on event B. Finding the probability of an independent event really depends on the situation (dart throwing, coin flipping, even Schrodinger's cat...).

How did Erwin Schrodinger achieve quantum mechanics?

schrodinger's dad worked with albert Einstein. Schrodinger looked up to Einstein and was amazed by his ways of thinking. Einstein inspired Schrodinger to become a scientist.

Write three dimensional Schrodinger wave equation for an electron. what is the physical significance of its wave funtion2?

The Wave function (psi) is just used as an identifier that the particle exhibits wave nature. Actually the square of the wave fn (psi2 ) - the probability amplitude- is the real significant parameter. The probability amplitude gives the maximum probability of observing the particle in a given region in space.

In an s orbital the probability of finding an electron a particular distance from the nucleus does not depend on a quantum mechanical model direction with respect to the nucleus the schrodinger e?

To the extent that I can make any sense of the question: Yes, the probability function for an s orbital is spherically symmetric and dependent on radial distance only.

What year did Schrodinger make a model of the electrons surrounding the nucleus at a distance?

The Schrodinger equation is from January 1926.