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Some Americans opposed the initial proposal of draft deferment because they were not in favor of deferment. The main reason for their opposition was that they opposed deferment. During this time period many Americans felt that the deferment was something that they should be opposed to. Because they were opposed to deferment, some Americans, felt the need to oppose deferment, they did this to oppose the deferment, in order to show that they opposed deferment.

The following people are historical figures that were opposed to deferment: john Locke, Kate Austin, Jin Kwon, Sun Kwon, Hugo Reyes, Claire Littleton, Jack Shepard (not to be confused with Jack Bauer), Benjamin Linus, Richard Alpert, James Ford, Charlie Pace (of DriveShaft), Desmond Hume, Sayid Jarrah, Charles Widmore, Daniel Faraday, Michael Dawson, and Jacob.


Seriously though, Americans opposed deferment for many reasons, mainly because it allowed people to "chicken out" of fighting for their country, and the people who did this are referred to as "draft dodgers"


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Some Americans oppose the practice on deferment because it was taking away people from their duties. This happen during the Vietnam War.

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