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In 1933, Hitler was appointed Chancellor by President Hindenburg in a period of tense political intrigues and important economic problems. His

appointment was mainly due to the weaknesses of the existing system, created shortly after the end of the war in 1919, but several other factors had an important role, such as the Great Depression of 1929, Hitler's own political ambition and the appeal of nazi ideology. These factors will be examined in this essay in trying to determine what were the conditions that enabled Hitler to seize power.

The Weimar Republic faced many problems from its offset, the first and the main one being its own structure. The constitution gave the President and ministers too much power, as they were allowed to use Article 48 to overrule decisions made by the parliament. The parliament itself was elected through proportional representation, meaning that factions from several political parties opposed constantly, fighting for power instead of trying to find solution for Germany's problems. This divided the country, as is shown by extreme parties trying to seize power in 1920 with the Spartacist revolt and in 1923 with the Kapp Putsch

In addition, the lack of support for the gvt was a key element in its demise. Many government officials (for example the general von Seeckt) were in favour of a right wing government and wanted to crush the regime to install a more radical one. Many Geerman state who disagreed with the gvt's policies simply ignored them. For example after the Kapp Putsh, 700 rebels were tried for treason but only 1 was jailed. Also, after the Munich Putsh, Hitler was only jailed for 9 months when he faced treason charges. This shows how the judges or occupiers of key posts undermined the regime.

Also, the majority of the German people had felt humiliated by the sanctions imposed on them by the Allies at Versailles. They felt it was undeserved and unjustified. The occupation of the Ruhr in 1923 by France to forcily take the reparation payments did not help this feeling. This led to an inflatory crisis all over Germany until 1924. This certainly helped Hitler and the Nazi party to gain influence as they used the bitterness of the treaty of Versailles to gain supporters.

However, the economic depression of 1929 is one of the main causes of Hitler's rise to power. By 1932, the country was in economic ruin. The currency was worthless: by 1932, it had devaluated by more than 45%. Unemployment rate went up to almost 6% in 1933. Stresemann was appointed Chancellor in 1930 and negotiated the Young and Dawes plan, reducing the reparations payments by more than 150%. The first signs of amelioration were seen in 1932 only, but Hitler used them at his advantage by taking credit for them by saying that his policies had had an immediate impact on the economy.

To these problems, Hitler and the Nazi Party offered immediate solutions: the ban of the Treaty of Versailles, the blame of Germany's situation on Jews and immigrants, and the reelection of a more competent government. Hitler's promises to rebuild the nation and seek revenge against the allies made him widly popular in Germany during the 1930s. He was promising the bulk of the masses exactly what they wanted: the splendor of the old German empire back, as if World War One had never happened.

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Dictators were able to rise to power easily during the 1930s because of the recent World War and a world-wide depression. Many people were seeking economic stability, a surplus of food, a strong leader to help them, and some national pride. This is just what dictators like Hitler, Stalin, and Tojo offered.

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Q: Why did dictators rise to power in Europe during ww2?
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What event contributed to the rise of dictators in Europe prior to world war 2?

The issue that had the biggest contribution to the rise of dictators during the 1930's was that much of the world was experiencing economic depression. Dictators rose to power promising that they would fix the economic problems in their countries.

Reasons why so many dictators were able to rise to power in the 1930s?

Dictators were able to rise to power easily during the 1930s because of the recent World War and a world-wide depression. Many people were seeking economic stability, a surplus of food, a strong leader to help them, and some national pride. This is just what dictators like Hitler, Stalin, and Tojo offered.

How the rise of dictators contributed to Hitler's rise to power in 1933?

Hitler rise as a dictator in 1933 when Von Hindenburg appoints Hitler Chancellor of Germany

How did dictators acquire and expand power in Europe in the 1930s?

In several ways. First, it upset the delicate status quo, leaving a power vacuum. At the time the safeguards against the rise of dictators were not in place, so small radical parties were able to take advantage of the situation. Other people like Joseph Stalin (Soviet Union) used force to rise to power, and people feared him enough not to oppose his actions.

What is the rise of totalitarianism?

The rise of totalitarianism happens during the Great Depression and before WWII. The governments associated are fascism, communism, the Nazi Party, and socialism. It is the rise of governments with dictators.

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What was the main reason for the rise of the dictators in EUrope and Asia during the 1930s?

The main reason for the rise of dictators in Europe and Asia during the 1930s was the fact that the dictators who were in charge at the time promised the people that the country would experience economic recovery. This was a period of time when the people were very poor and looking for a way out of poverty.

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The issue that had the biggest contribution to the rise of dictators during the 1930's was that much of the world was experiencing economic depression. Dictators rose to power promising that they would fix the economic problems in their countries.

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The main reason for the rise of dictators in Europe and Asia during the 1930s was the fact that the dictators who were in charge at the time promised the people that the country would experience economic recovery. This was a period of time when the people were very poor and looking for a way out of poverty.

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Reasons why so many dictators were able to rise to power in the 1930s?

Dictators were able to rise to power easily during the 1930s because of the recent World War and a world-wide depression. Many people were seeking economic stability, a surplus of food, a strong leader to help them, and some national pride. This is just what dictators like Hitler, Stalin, and Tojo offered.

How did world war 1 contribute to the rise of dictators in Europe?

After World War I, Europe was in a shambles. Boundaries were changed, and countries were formed and countries ceased to exist. The cost of the war left much of Europe destitute. This combination lead to the rise of nationalistic fervor in the defeated nations. There was such upheaval that the Nationalist flame outshone the other political ideologies. This gave rise to dictators.

How the rise of dictators contributed to Hitler's rise to power in 1933?

Hitler rise as a dictator in 1933 when Von Hindenburg appoints Hitler Chancellor of Germany

How did dictators acquire and expand power in Europe in the 1930s?

In several ways. First, it upset the delicate status quo, leaving a power vacuum. At the time the safeguards against the rise of dictators were not in place, so small radical parties were able to take advantage of the situation. Other people like Joseph Stalin (Soviet Union) used force to rise to power, and people feared him enough not to oppose his actions.

What was the cause for the rise of dictators?

It really depends. If you're looking at the rise of dictators as in Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini, you can probably look up which one rose to power first, but really, dictators have been rising and falling all throughout history.