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Q: Why did some white people in the south believe that their liberty required the continuation of slavery?
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What did southerners do after arguing for the continuation of slavery in 1830?

Southern people argued for the continuation of slavery in 1830. After it was denied by the government, they started to petition for their states to secede from the Union.

Why did the white people in the south believe that their liberty is the continuation of slavery?

Slave owners did not believe that slavery was a necessary commodity towards securing their liberty. They believed that slavery was a necessary commodity towards their prosperity. When the anti-slavery movement had grown big enough to threaten those States who sanctioned slavery with Amendment prohibiting that slavery, slave owners began to cry states rights. If these Southern "gentlemen" were so concerned about States rights they would have better convinced a dubious populace of this by freeing the slaves they held before going to war, civil war, with those who sought to bring freedom to all people. States rights is a very valid issue and concern under the federal government devised by the Constitution and it is shameful this right was asserted to justify slavery.

What is the liberty from slavery detention or oppression?

Freedom is liberty from slavery, detention, or oppression.

What were the most distinctive principles of the new confederate government?

the continuation of slavery

Did John c Breckinridge support slavery or opposed slavery?

He wants the continuation of slavery duh. A major general in the confederates army PLZ LIKE OR NOT

What political party was dedicated to stopping the expansion of slavery?

The Liberty Party called for an end to slavery. The Liberty Party became the Republican Party.

What Invention that transformed the production of cotton and made it economically feasible for the continuation of slavery?

The cotton gin.

Why did people intoxicated by liberty embrace slavery?

They were not "intoxicated" by liberty and slavery was a part of life. It was an acceptable part of society and had been for thousands of years. Even, today slavery still exists.

Did Pennsylvania believe in slavery?

yes they did believe in slavery <3

Antonyms of liberty?

captivity and suppression

How did the Liberty Party want to end slavery?

The Liberty party wanted to end slavery by having it declared unconstitutional. The Liberty party argued that enslaving a person was in direct conflict with the United States constitution.

How did the people of the South justify the continuation of the inhumane institution of slavery?

It all came down to money (profits).