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Q: Why did the Aztecs believe that the world might be coming to an end?
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Why did the Aztecs believe that the the world might be coming to an end during the reign of Montezuma?

They thought the world might be coming to an end because a ghostly woman was wailing"My children, we must flee from this city!" So they thought the world was coming to an end.

What did the Aztecs believe were the gods responsibilities?

The Aztecs believed the gods responsibilities were to control every aspect of their world and give signs on how to live.

What were the five eras that the Aztecs believed the world had been through?

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How did Aztecs die out?

How the Aztecs died:The Aztecs died From The spanish coming and invading their City. It is Believed they also brought small pox with them, wich helped kill the aztecs. The Spanish Killed people as they were exploring the world. End they Killed the emporer at that time too. Rumor Has it they would rape and kill thousands of women every day.

What important contributions did the Aztecs make to the world?

the calendar Aztecs

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i believe Justin said in an interview it was coming out sometime in march.

In the 1400s who had the world and rsquos largest empire?

The Aztecs had the world's largest empire in the 1400's.

Is Justin Bieber Coming To Scunthorpe Or Sheffield?

He might be coming to that place! He said that he's doing a world tour!

What area of the world did the Aztecs live in?

The ancient Aztecs lived in central Mexico

When are the Jonas brothers coming to The Netherlands?

They might go there on their world tour. XD.

Will the world end in two minutes?

The world will not end in 2 days because nobody knows when the world is going to end. God is coming to get the ones that believe in him and served him and leave the people that dont believe in him and leave them behind... The world will not end in 2 days because nobody knows when the world is going to end. God is coming to get the ones that believe in him and served him and leave the people that dont believe in him and leave them behind...

What were the Aztecs contributions to the world?
