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Q: Why did the British support the native Americans instead of the colonists?
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Why did many Americans give their support to the British?

They supported the British because they hoped if they defeated the Colonists then it would send them all back to their home land.

Why did more native Americans side with the british than the patriots?

Many reasons. Firstly, the British bought their support. Also, they were more scared of colonists taking their land than the british. Apperently rightly so.

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Who did African Americans support in the Revolutionary War?

There were some slaves who fought with the colonists and there were free african men in the North who fought with the colonists. A larger majority of slaves fought with the British. It was well known across the colonies that any slave who fought with the British would receive their freedom after the Revolutionary War was over.

Why did the British believe the tax and trade laws were fair?

The colonists were British therefore they needed to support the British crown.

In the American Revolution France gave money and military support to the what?

During the American Revolution, France supplied the new American government with money (gold and French Francs), soldiers, and the French Navy. After the Americans defeated the British at the Battle of Saratoga, the French realized the American colonists could defeat the British regulars, and that helping the Americans would potentially weaken their hated British rivals.

How did the revolutionary war affect the relationship between settlers between settlers and Indians?

Neither the British or the Americans originally wanted support from the American Indians, ad it was unclear who the Native Americans would support. Two-thirds of the Iroquois tribes fought with the English against the colonists.

Which side did the most Native Americans support in the American Revolution?

the British

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What right under the British form of government did colonists cherish above all?

The American colonists wanted to have representation in the British parliament so they would have a voice regarding taxation. This was to the British, a privilege they would not support.

How did Paine's common sense seek to persuade the colonists to the support the cause of independence?

Paine's persuade colonists to support independence in one way. This way was by the abuse of power of the British government.

Who was John connolly british loyalists?

John Connolly of Virginia. Also the governor of Pittsburgh. Believed that colonists were discontented minority with no real reason to drag the colonists into war. Also believed most colonists do not support the Patriot cause. He actively seek-ed support for Britain from Native Americans. Also want to involve the entire population of the Virginia countryside in helping Britain fight the rebellion.