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The delegates wrote the Constitution because the Articles of Confederation, which were written after the American Revolution, were failing. The Articles did not focus on a much-needed central government.

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Q: Why did the Delagets write the U.S Constitution?
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Why did Delagets write the US?

Delegates wrote the US Constitution. They did so in order to establish the United States and its founding principles which are still part of the country today.

Who were the delagets from Georgia who signed the constitution?

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The delagets are part of the convention!

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The purpose of the Federalist Papers was to advocate for the ratification of the US Constitution. The Constitution was signed on September 17, 1787.

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Yes he did sign the US constitution. He also signed the Declaration of Independence and also help write it along with Thomas Jefferson.

What were some things the delagets agreed on at the convention?

The way that they changed the movements