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Q: Why did the Greek Orthodox Church separate from the Roman Catholic Church?
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When was Ukrainian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church created?

St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church was created in 1906.

What is the name of Rome's eastern church?

It is called the Orthodox Catholic Church, also known as the Eastern Orthodox or Greek Orthodox Church. It is not however affiliated with Rome or the Roman Catholic Church. They are 2 separate, but similar religions. They believe God is the ultimate head of the Church and recognize no Pope.

I was baptized a Roman Catholic but confirmed Orthodox and I married a Greek Orthodox can I have my nephew baptized in a Catholic Church?

Since you are confirmed Orthodox and married a Greek Orthodox, the Orthodox Church requires that any children you may have should be baptized Orthodox. Also, as an Orthodox, you are not allowed to baptize your nephew or any other person in a catholic church. From the Catholic point of view, unless your nephew is to be reared a Catholic, he may not be baptized in the Catholic Church. If he is to be reared Catholic, either by his parents or godparents, the Church will receive him. No you are GREEK orthodox u must not I reapeat not baptisma your child at a catholic church.

If you are a Catholic and then convert to the Greed Orthodox church are you still considered a Catholic?

No. You would be Greek Orthodox then.

How can a Roman Catholic join the Greek Orthodox Church?

Catholic AnswerThis is known in the Catholic Church as apostasy and is an automatic excommunication. If there is something you feel drawn to in the Greek Orthodox Church, then you should look into the Greek Uniate Church with is the part of the Greek Church which has always been in union with Rome (even after the Greek Orthodox left the Church). You may attend Greek Uniate Sacraments with no special permission, but to officially change Rites, you would need to apply to your Bishop and their Bishop.

What name was given to the Greek Christian Church which broke away from the Catholic Church?

The Greek Orthodox Church left the Catholic Church in the eleventh century.

Can an infant be baptized in the Catholic church yet be Orthodox his church yet retain an Orthodox membrshp?

No, baptism in the Catholic Church automatically means that you are bound to all the laws of the Rite in which you are baptized. Orthodox Churches are in schism, however, there is a Catholic Rite for each of the Orthodox Churches. When the Orthodox split, half of them remained with the Catholic Church, so there is a Greek Uniate Rite as well as a Greek Orthodox Church. A Catholic has no problem with going to the sacraments in another Rite.

Did the Greek orthodox church split apart like Protestants?

No the Greek Orthodox Chuch is part of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.

What is the name for the church for Greek Orthodox?

One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church

What were the two types of Christianity that existed in Europe before the Protestant Reformation?

There were two main churches: Roman Catholic and Orthodox. - UPDATE - Actually there were three main churches at the time, the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church and Oriental Orthodox Church. The Oriental Orthodox Church was the first church to break away from the Orthodox Church (Eastern Orthodox Church) in 451AD followed by the Roman Catholic Church in 1054AD.

Can a divorced greek orthodox remarry in chuch?

I'm not sure about the Greek Orthodox's Church perspective, but the divorced Roman Catholic woman is still technically in the sacrament of marriage with the man, until it is nullified by the Catholic Church.

Can a divorced greek orthodox woman marry a catholic man in a catholic church if her first marriage was annulled by the greek church?

The answers is no, if he wasn't divorced,yes,because the catholic church recognises the orthodox church as valid since they were one church before.However if he is divorced he is not allowed in either catholic or orthodox. A Catholic can marry any non- Catholic, and it is recognized as a sacrament in the Catholic church. Only when the individual has been previously married there is an issue. In which case that individual must have their previous marriage annuled. The Catholic church permits Catholics to marry in the Orthodox church and it is a sacrament. I have spoken to Catholic priests and Catholic Bishops and they do not see a problem with a Greek annulment, as being an impediment. If that individual did not have their marriage previously annulled than it would be an issue.