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Because, Zyklon B is a poisonous and toxic gas which will kill people withing 15 minutes

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Q: Why did the Nazis used zyklon B gas in the gas chambers?
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What is Zyklon B gas?

Zyklon B was the poison used in the Auschwitz gas chambers.

What were some supplies used during th Holocaust?

Well the Nazis used Zykoln-B for the gas chambers if that's what you mean. Zyklon-B is a greenish pellet when thrown into the air releases a lethal gas.

How did the Nazis go about exterminating the approximately million people who died in the holocaust?

First the people were gassed with Zyklon-B in the gas chambers. Then they were cremated in a crematorium or a cremation pit.

What kind of gas did Auschwitz use?

Auschwitz Concentration Camp in Poland used Zyklon B gas in their gas chambers afterwards creamated the bodies.

How many cans of Zyklon-B were used to kill Jews in gas chambers?

This gassing was also a transport of 200-250 Jews, ... the gas chambers were not that large (those in Krematoria II and III were about 210 square meters), and the Zyklon-B was dropped from four openings (still visible in the ruins of the gas chambers). Since the concentration used was higher than the lethal one,

What powder was used in the gas chamber to kill the Jews?

Hydrogen cyanide or Zyklon B as it was called.

What were the Nazis methods of exterminations?

They used Gas Chambers, execution, death marches

What poison was used in the gas chambers?

* At Auschwitz II (Birkenau) and Majdanek, the Nazis used hydrogen cyanide (in the form of Zyklon B). * At Treblinka, Chelmno, Belzec and Sobibor they used carbon monooxide produced by the exhaust fumes of large petrol or modified diesel engines.

What was the poison gas used in the holocaust?

I believe it was carbon monoxide used in gassing chambers. They later used pellets (Zyklon B) which convert to poison when exposed to air.

What were Three methods used by the Nazis to kill their prisoners?

One of the methods were gas chambers.

Who used Hydrogen Cyanide during the holocaust?

Josef Mengele and the Nazis in the Gas Chambers

How do you get rid of Nazis?

Put them in gas chambers.