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Beyond the moral implications, slavery was a threat to northern jobs. While the work of abolitionists was for human rights, many northerners believed slavery took away jobs from white workers and threatened the political system by giving slave states more power than they deserved based on the number of enslaved people they had.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Slavery had been an institution from the time when Britain ruled the 13 American colonies. Great Britain had outlawed slavery in the early part of the 19th century.

Anti slavery abolitionists were seen as a radical threat to the Southern way of life and economics for decades. For Southerners, slavery was necessary to the working of the cotton and tobacco plantations. Based on the times, there was no special reasons, in the South's view, that slavery should be abolished.

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Q: Why did the South believe abolitionism threatened their way of life?
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Why did southerners believe abolition threatened their way to life?

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Why did southerners believe that abolition threatened their way of life?

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