

Why did the US want Florida?

Updated: 12/8/2022
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13y ago

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we wanted the native Indians off our land. it wasnt our land yet but we dislike spanish ppl also so we knew wed eventually take it from them. bottom line is the presidents of that time hated the native Indians

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Q: Why did the US want Florida?
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Florida did not get involved, since it wasn't at the time one of the thirteen colonies that rebelled against the British. After the US war of independence the British ceded Florida to Spain. The Spanish sold Florida to the US in 1819 for US$ 5 million.

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The Florida territory was important to both Spain and the US because of its relative closeness to Cuba and Central America. Spain needed the easy access that Florida provided to Central America and the US did not want Another Country on its southern coast.

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If the marriage is legal in Louisiana, it is legal in Florida. This is guaranteed by the US Constitution. You might want to consult an attorney for specifics.

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The US acquired the territory of Florida from Spain ceding it to the US.

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florida is in the southeast regin

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US 1 begins in Key West, Florida.