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It was the other part of getting crunked.

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Q: Why did the colonial children drink beer?
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How old you have to be to drink children's beer?

You have to be 11

What drink is served to children during oktoberfest?

Baby beer

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How old so you have to be to drink children beer?

You have to be 11 years old

Did colonial America make beer?

Beer was brewed in colonial America

What did Egyptian children eat?

the most common food and drink was beer and bread and yes the kids drank beer too...

What did they eat in colonial times?

Corn,fish,deer,bear,and other animals.They would drink milk apple juice cider and beer EVEN KIDS DRANK BEER

What is the national drink of Belgium?

Belgian children as well drink beer but with less alcohol

How did people drink beer in Elizabethan times?

Yes, they drank beer. Actually, beer has been made for at least 15,000 years and by the 16th century Flemish beer was imported into England. In the 1700's beer was the drink of choice for everyone including children.

Can you drink beer on private property in Michigan?

Yes, you can drink your beer on private property, if you can legally drink beer to begin with.

What did explorers drink?

Beer beer beer

Did James Madison drink beer?

yes he drink beer and his favorite was butter beer yum