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Because the thought that by following it freely, that it would not be like a monarchy.

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Q: How did the republican interpret the constitution?
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What court can interpret the Constitution?

Any court can interpret the constitution, but the US Supreme Court is the final arbiter on constitutionality.

Who reads the constitution word for word?

A "literalist" would interpret the Constitution just as it is written, rather than interpret its meaning in context.

What authority is given to government agencies to interpret the constitution?

Interpretation is left up to the Supreme Court and other lower courts. Agencies have no authority to interpret the Constitution.

How do I Interpret the preamble of the constitution?

There is no interpretation in the Constitution. It is timeless, and was intended to be upheld as long as America stands.

The court decisions affect the constitution because the courts what?

Apply and interpret the constitution in legal cases

What is the name of the judge who interpret the constitution narrowly?

judicial restraint.

Who have final authority to interpret constitution of India?

Supreme Court

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it is the supreme courts role is to interpret the constitution

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Which of the following does Congress not have the authority to do?

Interpret the Constitution in a court case

How did Marshall Court interpret the constitution in its rulings?

The principle of judicial review.

What is the government branch that interpret the constitution and shapes the laws?

The Judicial Branch