

Why did the shogun rule Japan?

Updated: 11/3/2022
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12y ago

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the shogun conquered the emperor and gained rule on Japan

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Shogun assumed power or rule in Japan after being selected by the emperor

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Did shogun rule japan?

the shogun conquered the emperor and gained rule on Japan

Why did shoguns rule japan?

the shogun conquered the emperor and gained rule on Japan

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The new rule of Tokugawa Shoguns, and new danger faced from trade.

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The new rule of Tokugawa Shoguns, and new danger faced from trade.

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Feudal Japan was dominated by the powerful regional families (damio) and the military rule of warlords (shogun), not the emperors.

What does the word shogun mean in Japan?

In feudal Japan the Shogun was the military dictator of Japan. It means literally "commander of a force". It is equivalent to a Commander in Chief.

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The word "Shogun" is an archaic term meaning "the Emperor of Japan."

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Minamoto Yoritomo

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See: Shogun