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Q: Why did the stones Urim and Thummin make Santiago feel better?
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What is urim and Thummin in the alchemist?

i think it the are two stone that the king give Santiago

What was the urim and the thummin?

Urim means light and Thummin means vessels.It first appears here:Shemos: 28:30. You shall place the Urim and the Tummim into the choshen of judgment so that they will be over Aaron's heart when he comes before the Lord, and Aaron will carry the judgment of the children of Israel over his heart before the Lord at all times.Answer:The following answer is from and the original can be accessed via the related link: "According to most commentators, the Urim ve-Tumim were the stones in the Kohen Gadol's breastplate (and possibly ephod; see Ex.Ch.28). These stones were engraved with the names of the tribes, and they conveyed messages by lighting up letters. The fact that the stones in the high priest's breastplate were consulted for answers to questions is mentioned in the Bible (e.g., Num.27:21). The Bible doesn't say how it was done; one of the earliest descriptions of the process is in the Aramaic (expanded) translation (Targum Yonasan) of Ex.28:30. Another opinion, attributed to Ibn Ezra, is that the Urim ve-Tumim were made of gold and silver and were stored inside the breastplate; this suggests that they may have been like dice."

What are urim and thummim in the alchemist?

Urim and Thummim are two gems, one white and one black, that helps Santiago make yes or no decisions.

What color is urim and thummim?

Technically, the Urim and Thummim are two stones, most often mentioned in connection with a metal breastplate. The stones are often thought to be clear or white and the breastplate silver or gold in color, but the Old Testament never clarifies the colors of these items. Some also believe that each of the stones was a different color, because the Urim was used to determine guilt and the Thummim to determine innocence. In the LDS movement, Joseph Smith described the Urim and Thummim as being triangular in shape and clear like diamond or crystal.

Who is Melchizedek in the alchemist?

In "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho, Melchizedek is a mysterious and wise old man who guides Santiago on his journey to find his Personal Legend. Melchizedek is the King of Salem and acts as a spiritual teacher and mentor to Santiago. He introduces Santiago to the concept of following one's dreams and speaks about the importance of listening to one's heart.

Where can you buy urim and thummim stones?

You cannot buy the stones because it is only two made by G-d. It is hidden by G-d through His Priest. For Israel to stand, she will need these stones but they have to pray and trace down the real high priest blood line.

What are the omens in the alchemist?

Urim and Thummin- rocks that help answer question. They fell out in Tangir and Santiago remember he should make his own decicions. Santiago himself- He was a good omen for the crystal merchant. Going to the desert- a good omen becuase he met Fatima. The Flying Hawlks- The oasis is going to be attacked. The beetle by the pyramids.- It was an omen that Santiago should dig there. He thoguht it was to find his treasure but actually it was so he would be at the right pace and right time when the 2 people who beat him up came and tell him that treasure was at the church in the begining. Symbols- The desert- Represents the diffuclty of follwing your dreams. The desert has war, it is huge and has harsh condition. His sheep- They are idiots who follow him blindly no matter what. They represent people who dont know they personal dreams

What do the urim thummim look like?

Urim is a white circular stone that says yes and Thummim is a black circular stone that says no

How did Mormons use the Urim Thummim?

The first prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church), Joseph Smith, claimed that he used the Urim and Thummim to translate the Book of Mormon into English. After the translation was complete, the Urim and Thummim were returned to God. Nobody else in the Church has claimed to have seen or used the Urim and Thummim.

What did the king of Salem give to Santiago in The Alchemist?

I figured it out now, In the Alchemist, the KIng of Salem gives Santiago a white stone named "Urim" it signifies no. The king also gives the boy a black stone named "Thummim" and it signifies yes.

What rhymes with Purim?

Urim as in the "Urim v'Tumim" that the High Cohen wore in the Temple. It is also a rhyme with a reason as Purim commemorates a miracle that was hidden in the midst of "normal" events. The Urim v'Tumim were a form of divine communication whereby questions were answered in a coded way.Durham - closedurum - closebedim - ??brimdimgrimpassim -

When Aaron cast lots what was he doing?

Aaron used the Urim and Thummim to determine God's will for the community of Israel. No one knows exactly what these were, but the Torah is very clear that they were to be used to cast lots. One reference states that the Urim was on top one shoulder and the Thummim was on top the other shoulder. They were used when Aaron wore the Breastplate of Righteousness, which had twelve stones embedded upon the front of it, one stone symbolizing each tribe of Israel.