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Napoleon Bonaparte actually overthrew the Old Regime; he did not create it.

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Q: Why did the three estates of Napoleon Bonaparte's old regime fail?
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What was France old form of government with three estates called?

i think it was the old regime

How was the social security structure under France's ancien regime?

France was divided into one of three social classes or estates

How did the ancient regime divide up french society?

It's often described as three Estates: nobility, clergy, and everyone else.

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King Louis was bound to the Ancient Regime which had three Estates within the Estates General. The First Estate was the Catholic Clergy, the Second Estate was the Nobles and the Third Estate was everyone else.

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Napoleonic Code was where Napoleon established all of his laws . It mainly abolished the three estates from the Old Regime, granted equal rights before the law to people of all classes. Unfortunately women could not hold property and Napoleon could overrule any law.

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three estates louis 14 and 16 maximillien rebespierne napoleon bonnaparte

Who was in the three estates of the old regime why was this system so unequal?

The three estates divided the social classes of Revolution Era France. There was an estate that had the wealth nobles, there was an estate that had church people in it, such as priests and bishops, and there was an estate that had the common people in it. It was unequal as the nobles lived comfortable lives in their palaces and the common people sometimes had to steal bread just to live.

What was the basic social structure of the ancien regime?

It was divided into three Estates each theoretically equal to each other. The First Estate was the Catholic clergy, the Second Estate and all others were in the Third Estate.

How does a noble fit into feudalism?

A noble is one of the three estates. The three estates were the Clergy Nobility Serf/peasant

How was french society divided hierarchically in the old regime?

the french society in the old regime was divided into three they were the ; *clergy as first estate *nobles as second estate *commoners as third estate