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Q: Why didn't the u.s constitution immediately go into effect?
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When the constitution reached the number for ratification why didnt it go into affect?

The Constitution was written to take effect as soon as Washington was sworn in as the first President.

When did the constitution go in to effect?


When did the constitution go to effect?


When did the present constitution go into effect?


In what year did constitution go into effect?


When did the Constitution officially go into effect?


When did the Missouri Constitution go into effect?

The first Missouri Constitution was written in 1820 and went into effect that same year. The current Missouri Constitution was adopted and went into effect in 1945.

In what year did the constitution offically go into effect?

The Constitution was drafted in 1787. Congress declared it in effect the following year, 1788.

When did the California Constitution go into effect?

It was in the year 1788

Which event completes this time line?

Enough states ratify the constitution for it to go into effect. APEX

In what year did the constitution officially go into effect?

1788 this is the right answer.

For the new US Constitution to go into effect how did it have to be ratified?
