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What is causing your headache is dependent upon what type of headache you are having. The triggers for certain headache types can range from chemicals to fluorescent lighting, to repetitive motion. The best doctor to diagnose and treat your headache disorder is a headache specialist.

Do you like your job? It's most likely that you are tired of being at work.

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Q: Why do I get headaches when ever I go to work?
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You can go to your doctor to be treated for chronic headaches. Usually they will try head massage therapy and if that doesn't work will usually prescribe a medication to help with the headaches.?

Chronic headaches can be treated with natural remedies such as tea, or massages. Your doctor can prescribe a medicine for you or you can do a combination of both.

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i find that if you take a neurofen tablet it will work

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Physical therapy treatment can treat headaches without any painkillers. Our therapists will teach you how to manage and ease headaches.  

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only if it doesn't work

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Drink alot of water. It tends to make you dehydrate. And headaches are the first sign of dehydration. Drink alot of water and the headaches will go away.

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Go to the nearest hospital.

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no you got to work hard to pay it off.

I have been having headaches for the past 2 weks and im also having problems focusing. any help here?

If you have had headaches that long of a period I suggest that you go to your doctor to see whats wrong. Because headaches usually go away after awhile and having headaches that long could mean that there might be some serious problems. Or something. So I really suggest you go to your doctor.

Can moving to California make headaches go away?

Sometimes a change in climate and elevation can cause positive change in health conditions. Maybe you should take a visit to California to see how you feel and the decide f moving to California may help to make your headaches go away. What works for one person may not work for another.

Are there any low cost home remedy solutions to headaches?

Headaches are a common problem for many people. Advil or another generic medicine will help with headaches. I wouldn't recommend home remedies because they might not always work.

Where do neurologist work?

In a hospital, in their own Neurology clinics, and where-ever they have to go specially in emergencies

What does pressure headaches and swollen hands or feet mean?

Go to the doctors.....