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You will get that message if you are sharing an IP address and you violated the WikiAnswers Community Guidelines.

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Q: Why do I get the message We're sorry but someone using the same internet provider as you has been temporarily blocked from WikiAnswers for inappropriate behavior?
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What behavior is considered appropriate and inappropriate for Internet communication?

anything that you wouldnt do with your parents over your shoulder

How do you get WikiAnswers out of your destop?

WikiAnswers is on the internet, therefore, you cannot get WikiAnswers out of your desktop because it isn't on your desktop, but on the internet.

How can you download WikiAnswers database of QA?

You cannot download the WikiAnswers database. One reason for this is because WikiAnswers is solely an internet resource, and you must use the internet to access WikiAnswers. If you didn't have to use the internet for WikiAnswers, WikiAnswers would not exist.

Why don't you answer inappropriate questions?

Just as someone would not bother to answer an inappropriate question in real life (off the Internet), the same reasoning applies when on the Internet. Some questions are simply inappropriate, either because it intrudes on someone else's privacy or someone else's rights. Other "inappropriate" questions are the same kinds that a grandmother, mother, teacher, pastor, or anyone in civilized society would think is impolite, rude, or gross. WikiAnswers has policies about questions, just as home, school, and churches have rules about what is--and is not--okay to ask.

Can you install WikiAnswers on your computer if you don't have an Internet connection?

WikiAnswers is a website, not a piece of software that runs on your computer. There is no way to access WikiAnswers without an internet connection.

Is the database of questions and their categories and answers available for download from WikiAnswers?

No, you cannot download WikiAnswers' questions, categories, and answers from WikiAnswers. WikiAnswers is solely on the internet, and cannot be downloaded. The WikiAnswers database will always remain on the internet, and for a good reason.

Where can you download WikiAnswers?

WikiAnswers is viewed through the Internet and cannot be downloaded.

Does the Internet have good answers?

If you mean 'Does the Internet have better answers than WikiAnswers?', then that question depends on what type of question you are talking about. The Internet may have some better answers to questions than WikiAnswers, but I would highly recomend WikiAnswers because WikiAnswers is a Q & A site, (Questions and Answers) but the Internet is not. So if your wondering about which one is better, the answer is WikiAnswers. Hope I answered your question!

Does Nick Jonas have WikiAnswers?

Since wikianswers is on the internet, it should be viewable to everyone

Why won't anything load on the Internet besides WikiAnswers?

wikianswers can load fast

Why are there so many inappropriate questions on this site?


What is more powerful than WikiAnswers?

The Internet would be more powerful than WikiAnswers.