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First muslims must go to Masjed ""mosque" every day and every pray

on Friday at salah al zuhr is called salah al jumaa , The Imam make a Khotba "speech" after the Khotba end they all perform the pray and it is two Rak'ah not four .

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Friday is a special day to Muslims because that is the day when they pray for forgiveness and all their sins from the previous week are forgiven. i hope that helped.

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Normally nothing, they go to the mosque to ritually purify themselves and to pray.

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10y ago

Friday is a special day for the Muslims as Sunday is for the Christians and Satureday for the Jews. The Muslims offer a special Friday Prayer and listen to the Friday sermon.

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sholat ( Friday prayer )

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Q: Why do Muslims go to the mosque on a Friday?
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Do the Muslims have weekly church days?

Muslims do not go to church. They go to the mosque or 'masjid' for prayers, which are done 5 times a day, every day. Muslims can either go to the masjid or pray at home or anywhere else. Friday is a special day of prayer on which many Muslims go to their mosque.

When do Muslims visit a mosque?

Muslims visit the mosque whenever they desire to pray. Friday is Namaz-e-Jummah or Friday prayers. Muslims go to the mosque for a community prayer. The priest (Skeih) is in the mosque five times a day. So whenever Muslims go to the mosque during the five prayer times, they do prayers with the Skeih which has more rewards.

Why do Muslims protest mainly on Fridays?

Every friday muslims have to go to the mosque. So they will protest after the prayers.

What is mosque to Muslims?

Mosque to Muslims is God house where Muslims gather for praying, studying Islam teachings, and reciting Quran. Like how a Christians go to a church on Sunday (or any other day to pray), Muslims go to the Mosque on Friday (or any other day to pray).

What days do muslims go church?

Churches are for christians and mosques are for muslims. It is similar to a church and we also worship there but its called a mosque. There are services at the mosque five times a day every day, but most Muslims only go for Friday afternoon services.

Can Muslims observe ramadon alone?

Yes they can, but it is perferred you go to mosque in congregation every Friday and for Eid

Do Muslims gather together in a meeting?

every Friday at their mosque

What day of the week do Muslims go to their mosque?

Everyday but in particular on Fridays They usually attend the mosque (or Masjid) ; as a minimum; for the weekly Friday praying. Only female Muslims may be forgiven from attending mosques for Friday praying if they feel unsafe on going to mosques (a case which is rarely existing). However, many Muslims go daily for praying the 5 daily prayers. Also they go to Mosque for the Ramadan evening prayers called Taraweeh and they go for the annual two feast prayers.

Do Muslims go to temples on Saturday?

No way Why we are Muslims why should we go to Hindus temples and specially on Saturday - Muslims go to the masjid, or mosque, as many times as they please. Muslims pray at least five times a day. They may pray these prayers at home or at the masjid. They pray every day of the week, including Saturday.

What do Muslims do before they go to church?

Muslims do not go to church. They go to mosque. They don't have to do anything before they go to a mosque.

What days do Muslims go to mosque?

They go everyday, 5 times per day at the least, since they have prayer at different times, depending on the sunrise and sunset. On Fridays there is a special prayer which all Muslims go to! __________________________________________________________ They usually attend the mosque (or Masjid) ; as a minimum; for the weekly Friday praying. Only female Muslims may be forgiven from attending mosques for Friday praying if they feel unsafe on going to mosques (a case which is rarely existing). However, many Muslims go daily for praying the 5 daily prayers. Also they go to Mosque for the Ramadan evening prayers called Taraweeh and they go for the annual two feast prayers.

What days do Islam Muslims attend the Islam temple?

Well, it is not called "Islam temple" in the first place; it is called "Mosque" and they go every day but Friday EDIT: It is called "Masjeed", or "Mosque" in English. Muslims attend prayers five times a day, everyday, PREFERABLY at the Masjeed, except Friday noon when it is COMPULSORY to be done in congregation at the Masjeed