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they needed each other

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Leilani Cremin

Lvl 13
2y ago
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Q: Why do you think native American families gathered into larger groups when they settled in certain areas?
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Why do think Native American families gathered into larger groups when they settled in certain areas?

they needed each other

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Did the dutch west India company sent families to settle near Quebec?

No, many of the families settled at the mouth of the Hudson bay

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Part of Florida was settled by Spain.

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Nebraska, Kansas, and South Dakota.

Most families that settled on the Plains started farms in?

Nebraska, Kansas and South Dakota

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Usually they are eventually forgotten about as the years pass. The one in Romeo and Juliet becomes settled when the families realize the horrible cost of their feud.

What event settled the question of which country controlled the North American continent?

One of the events that settled the question of which country controlled the North American continent was the Monroe Doctrine. Other events that settled that question were the Battle of Quebec, and the American War of Independence.