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"Cracking joints" are an interesting and poorly understood phenomenon. There are many theories as to why joints crack or pop, but the exact cause is simply not known.

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Q: Why do ankles crack when you walk?
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Why does your sons ankles crack when he walks?

It's normal my brothers jaw cracks when he eats.

Why do cats rub their scent on you when they walk between your ankles?

To mark you as their territory

Why do my ankles hurt so much?

the way u walk on it makes it hurt

What is the superstition about stepping in the crack of the sidewalk?

Stepping in a crack on the sidewalk is a superstition heard by many people around the world. If one steps on a crack on the side walk, it would break their mother's back.

What does 'shanks pony' mean?

The slang term "Shanks Pony" Means To Walk There. Your shanks are the parts of your legs between your knees and your ankles.

When does the egg crack in Pokemon ruby?

Dont know but your supposed to walk around and i will hatch

What is elasticated ankles?

Elasticated ankles are, clothing that have an elastic finishing at the ankles.

How a person would move if he had a crack on his leg bone?

simple wait till it recovers and then walk

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Do toddlers need high tops so they don't roll their ankles?

No this isn't necessary. It can actually be harmful to the child's ability to walk. They get used to having a "guide" inside the shoe and then it's harder for them to walk without them.

What does it mean when you have tightening around your ankle?

A tightening around the ankle usually indicates swelling. Swollen ankles are common for those who walk or stand a lot. Feet and ankles that stay swollen for long periods of time, or are accompanied by other symptoms should be checked by a physician.

How do you get fuller ankles and not bony ankles?

Genetics..out of your control.