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sound needs something to travel through and space has no air for it to travel

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Q: Why do astronauts use radio waves instead of sound waves to communicate in space?
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Why do astronauts talk on the radio?

That's the only way to communicate with sound where there is no air.

Why can't astronauts communicate with sound in outer space?

Because space is a vacuum.

How can astronauts communicate with earth if sound does not travel in a vacuum?

Signals are transmitted by some other means - in this case, electromagnetic waves.

Why can astronauts not talk to each other without communication equipment on the moon?

There is no air on the moon. Sound waves only propagate through a medium, such as air, water, etc. Sound waves cannot propagate through a vacuum, therefore the astronauts had to use radios to speak to each other.

Why is radio used on moon to communicate?

There is no air and sound waves do not propagate through vacuum.

What is an antenna used in space for?

Radio waves are a form of electromagnetic radiation, and they don't require a medium to pass through (like water, sound, or seismic waves.) So they work in space, which makes it real handy for astronauts for communicate with each other.

How astronauts talk to each other in space?

yes they can communicate they have to

Why astronauts use radio waves rather than sound waves?

Sound waves need air or another material to travel through, or they go nowhere. Astronauts do their job in places without air, so they couldn't be heard by simply talking.

Why cant you hear explosions on the sun?

Because sound needs a material medium to travel through, and there's no material between us and the sun. We can understand how important it is to have air or something for sound to travel through when we see videos of Apollo astronauts on the moon, where there's no air. They may be only a few feet apart, but still they can only communicate by radio. Without air, sound doesn't work at all.

How do fighter pilots communicate when they break the speed of sound?

Fighter pilots don't use sound to communicate, they use radios, and radio waves travel far faster than any plane to date, so there is no trouble communicating.

Why did astronauts who did experminets on the moon communicate with each other using walkie talkies even when they were right next to one another?

Sound needs to travel in medium like air, but there is no air in outer space, so sound is unable to travel. So basically sound needs air to travel, if there is no air sound cannot travel, when sound is unable to travel you cannot communicate (talk, speak, etc)

Why can astronauts hear on moon if they come close to each other so that their helmets touch?

Normally, to communicate in space, astronauts need radios. This is because sound (in this case, speech) requires a medium (such as air) to move through. In space, since there is no air, astronauts cannot talk to one another directly. However, in your case, the astronauts may converse because their helmets are touching - thus giving the sound waves a medium to move through - the helmets.