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The popular theist belief that atheists as group wander around going "There is no god, and I think that because..." or "I will keep thinking up reasons why there is no god because I'm afraid there is!". Most atheists spend no more time thinking about god and how to disprove its existence than the average adult spends on trying to disprove, debunk or disparage the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus, or the monster under the bed.
This is not to say that some atheists, like may evangelists and theologians, make their living writing and speaking on the issue. These are the exception not the rule.

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Because we are constantly attacked by believers who want us to believe in their ways.

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Q: Why do atheists spend so much time dwelling on God or trying to disprove God if they truly do not believe in God's existence?
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What group of people believes that no god exists at all?

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One misconception would be that Atheists are people of no faith. It takes just as much faith to deny the existence of a higher power as it does to acknowledge it. Not all atheists are "strong atheists" who deny the existence of god. Having said that, it does not take faith to deny the existence of unicorns, leprechauns, or the tooth fairy. The idea that you need faith to not believe in something is silly.

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In breif, to be an atheist is to not accept any world view that requires the existence of a deity. There is no proof of a deity that can be presented that is testable by commonly applied proofs or by scientific logic. If it can't be proven then it doesn't exist.

Do atheist have some kind of a bible?

No. Atheists do not have any kind of book that functions like the bible. They have no center authority, like the Pope does in Catholicisms. The only "guideline" atheists have is to not believe in a higher existence, or afterlife.

What is the difference between atheists and theists?

Theists are those who believe in existence of a god or gods as creator(s) and ruler(s) of the universe. Atheists do not believe in gods, but instead know that the universe is bound by natural laws. The workings of our world is explained through scientific observation.

Do atheists believe in God?

No, atheists do not believe in "God". Atheism is a lack of a belief in gods.

How is deism different from atheism?

Deists believe a God (or Gods) exist. Atheists do not. Deists tend to believe God is a rational explanation for the existence of the universe, but rarely if ever intervenes in its operation.

What is the word that means ''those who don't believe in God''?

Agnostic or atheist. Atheists state that there is no God, agnostics state that the existence of God cannot be known.

Do atheists believe in prophets?
